Cyber Security Incident Handling and Response
- 4.3
Brief Introduction
Become a professional cyber security incident handling team member or team leaderDescription
This course covers the six phases of incident handling and responding as follows:
0- Introduction: Includes the definition of an event, incident, as well as the difference between them
1- Preparation Phase: Shows the elements of preparation and the team building,
2- Identification Phase: Demonstrates where identification occurs and the assessment for identification
3- Containment: Explains the deployment and categorization needed as well as the short/long- term actions taken
4- Eradication: Stresses on restoring systems and improving defenses
5- Recovery: Elaborates the validation and monitoring required for attacked systems
6- Lessons Learned: Confirms the importance of meeting as a team to fix and improve and to share our experiences with others
- Be professional in the field of the cyber security incidents handling and responding