Digital Marketing Strategies Top Ad Agencies Use - Part 2
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Brief Introduction
2X Your Customer Base. Proven Facebook Ads That Doubled Our Business.Description
Attention Retail Store Owners, Restaurant Owners, Managers & Facebook Admin Marketing Staff
Copy Our Proven Facebook Ads & Strategies
Updated & Brand New For 2020...
You don't need to learn a hundred different strategies.
I've put together for you a UPDATED FOR 2020 the BEST OF THE BEST Facebook Ads we ran that produced the highest results.
You are getting our exact ads & strategies we used to create over $1,000,000 in sales last year. This course assumes you have some background in Facebook Advertising and just want the bottom line.
You Are Getting The 110+ Page Book & Videos That Has It All. Just The Bottom Line. The Nitty Gritty. No Filler Material.
Step-by-step simplified instructions so that even if you know nothing about advertising on Facebook you could follow along and put together a Ad that would work better than anything you may have tried in the past.
You Get The Videos That Are Short & Sweet (only a few minutes each) & Show Your Everything. It's like you are looking over my shoulder and I'm giving you a private lesson.
These Ads & Strategies were used for a Restaurant & an Events Business. Take what you learn and translate it to your business. Not only will you see a vast difference in results you'll also avoid the biggest mistakes most people make when doing Facebook Advertising.
It's time to take control of one of the most useful tools ever devised that has the potential to change your business faster than any other Strategy ever devised in the past.
And I'm Going To Show You How To Do It Quickly & Easily - No Long Videos Waiting For The Information You Need. This Is Bottom Line Step-By-Step Instruction.
Just Like Paint-By-Numbers
So You Can Get Results This Week!
You'll Get Our Simple Contest Strategy That Got Us Over 300 E-Mails In Less Than 1-Week So We Could Now Double Our Advertising Efforts At No Additional Cost!
You'll Learn Our Techniques To Almost Double the Amount Of "LIKES" You Get On Your Facebook Page Compared To Any Other Form Of Advertising. We Added 116 LIKES to Our Page In A Week on a $10/day spend!
You'll Learn How To & Create Your Own Short Video That Has The Potential To TRIPLE the Amount Of Viewers & Drive Lot's Of Customers To Retail Store or Restaurant!
Get 3X the amount of viewers, likes & engagement by using our Posting Technique. Most of you get this entirely wrong and only 6% - 8% of your followers ever see your post!
Use our highly targeted Birthday Promotion which can seriously increase your customer base. The targeting technique you learn here will help you in any Facebook Ad you ever create.
Send your Ads to your competitors customers Facebook Pages and watch your customer base grow like never before. Its quick & easy and I'll show you exactly how to do it.
You'll get the exact steps to creating Professional Looking Ads that get results. You'll learn by copying me. Step-By-Step, Paint-By-Number Instructions so easy you'll wonder why you waited so long to do this yourself.
Use our 3-Part Lead Generating Technique to get hundreds of leads any week you choose to use it. It's fast. It's cheap. And you'll have a list you can Email to over and over again.
Use our Strategic "Everyones A Winner" Technique to bring in more customers to your Store or Restaurant than ever before. More Likes! More Followers! More Business!
You'll learn exactly what to do to Target Your Customers & Potential Customers in your home town or around the country.
Got a customer list? If not we'll show you how to develop one. Then, you'll learn the exact steps we used to take 2000 emails and turn them into a list of over 2-Million Potential customers.
We'll finish up by showing you a traditional Postcard mailing that when combined with a Facebook Pixel to keep your name in front of prospects we drove in over $200,000 every time we did this promotion.
You can either pay a Ad Agency HUNDREDS & Sometimes THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to create ads you'll now be able to do yourself. Or invest a fraction of that with Udemy in this quick, easy-to-read, easy-to-implement guide and you'll be up and running this week. This is a Digital Product so your access is immediate upon payment.
Take advantage of this SPECIAL UDEMY PRICE. This Course plus the Bonus Book sells for $139 on my website to Restaurant & Store Owners who are happy to invest in something that brings in results.
BUT - I DO HAVE A DISCLAIMER: A lot of people have good intentions. They buy courses like this and never put the time or work in to make things happen. They expect miracles. They expect far out strategies. Then we look (instructors can actually see how much of the course you went through!) and be able to tell immediately if you are serious or not. I will respectively ask you not to purchase this course if its just going to live on your computer without you investing a small amount of time and $ to make these Ads work. Buying this course does not imply that you will make over $1 Million in sales. We have years of experience behind us. Facebook Ads Cost Money to run. Expect to Spend $50 - $100 per week on Ads if you want to see true results.
So, once again you are getting:
1. You get the 110+ Page Book divided up into 6 Chapters that shows you step-by-step all the Ads & Strategies we used to double our business.
2. You get the Videos that go along with each Chapter.
3. You get the BONUS 200+ page "presentation slides" from the 7 Minute Marketer Agency Course we used to train our employees on various aspects of Social Media. Many additional Ads & Strategies featured in this BONUS Book.
All for this special Udemy Price.
Learn what the pro's do and make 2020 your best year ever!
Sign up today!
- Requirements
- You should be familiar with Facebook, have a Website with Facebook Pixel Installed and a Business Facebook Page already set up.