Digital Marketing Tips For Online Course Creators
- 4.6
Brief Introduction
Simple and effective online marketing strategies to market your online courses and build your email list from scratch.Description
"A must-have course for online marketing. Not only is the presentation excellent but so is the content and she shows you exactly how to replicate her success in both areas. Another great course from Cha~zay!" Mark Casey
"A very comprehensive and practical online course about the many ways to market your course. Dr Cha~zay gets to every aspect of the strategy needed to succeed. She provides with examples, screen captures, tips and a generous handful of course material." Ariane
"This course was packed full of information about marketing that is very useful and it was delivered in a clear manner that was understandable. It is one of the better online marketing courses that I have found on Udemy." Veronica Hislop
Are your courses earning you several hundred to several thousands per month?
Are your students finding your courses?
Are you just in the planning phases of your first course and want to get started right from the beginning?
Have you launched your first course but without an email list absolutely no one is registering for your course?
If you've answered 'yes' to at least one of these questions, then you're in the right place!
Course creators generally love creating new courses. There is a beginning and there is an end and onward you go creating your next master piece. Marketing, however, is a never ending task that can feel so overwhelming, distracting and frustrating.
If you can relate, this course can help get you started.
I'm a huge fan of automation and constantly seek ways to automate tasks that are continually building my multiple, passive income streams. If this sounds like music to you, keep reading.
You don't have to be a marketing pro or even love marketing. But you do have to realize that without marketing your courses will just sit there like a lemon stand in the desert. You have the 'cure' to thirst but no one knows that you have the cure.
You must let people know about your courses. And the best way to do so is by putting your courses and coupons on sites that are eager for your course announcements. I'll share with you dozens of resources where you can post your course announcements absolutely free of charge.
I'll also show you how to create your own school. No more tooting your your horn to someone else's beat. Create your own academy and run your own class rooms, with your own style and your own set of rules.
I'll teach you how to create your own marketing calendar that you can adhere to or hand over to a virtual marketing rockstar so you can focus on what you love: creating new courses. I'll even share with you where to find such amazing marketing lovers.
Note: There are many aspects to marketing. We only cover a few of the most important techniques to helping you get started so your course announcements can be semi- or fully automated. We will NOT be covering Google or Facebook Ads (or any other paid type of marketing strategy). We will also NOT be covering Google Analytics, split testing or writing press releases.
All of the strategies taught in this course are with the new course creator in mind who works with no email list and a minimal budget.
Here are a few more things this course will cover.
"Very thorough. Highly insightful. Practical and current. She has a ton of knowledge and she doesn't hold back. She delivers it in a way that is digestible, and empowers you to fully utilize it. She is amazing, and consistently one of my most favorite instructors EVER!" Rose B.
"Have made three pages of notes with all the great advice. Loads of things mentioned that I honestly did not even think of which is a HUGE bonus." Antonet Behr
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- Requirements
- While almost all of the methods taught in this course are free, I will also show a couple of paid methods that are optional and for those who are already making money with their courses.
- Some of the plugins shown in this course use Wordpress as the main site.
- I will use a PC, although none of the programs are solely PC based and the same can be achieved using a Mac.
- It doesn't matter if you have already created your online course or you are just in the planning phases.
- We will NOT cover any paid marketing types, such as Google or Facebook Ads.
- We will NOT cover how to write and promote through press releases.
- We will NOT cover how to do split testing.
- Put your marketing efforts on auto-pilot and semi-auto-pilot.
- The plugin that automates 100% of your course marketing funnel.
- Marketing strategy to get on Google's first page within 24-48 hours.
- Sell your course even without an email list.
- Dozens of sites that are eager to promote your courses.
- How to get your courses watched with royalty free videos, pictures and clip wart - and where to get them (free and paid).
- Know when to offer free or discounted coupons, when coupons do well, vs. when they hurt your enrollment rate.
- How to protect digital content on your own website.
- Know how to create your own online school using your Wordpress site.
- How to create your own online school using various out-of-the-box platforms.
- Create coupons to maximize your marketing efforts.
- Where to get marketing pros to support your efforts.
- Where to find groups that want you to market your coupons.
- How to create a marketing calendar that will keep you and your team accountable.