Element Locators: 60 Minutes Crash Course for CSS & Xpath
- 3.8
Brief Introduction
Learn basic to advance level techniques of CSS and Xpath | Selenium | Katalon | Appium | Jmeter | WatirDescription
With the help of Element Locators, we can locate element uniquely on the page. CSS and Xpath are most command and most usable element locators used in different automation tools like Selenium, Appium, Katalon Studio, Watir and many more.
In this course, we are going to cover
- Basic to advance understanding of CSS locatos
- Xpath Locators using Attributes
- Xpath Locators using Inner text
- Xpath Locators using Axis techniques
- Best practices while writing element locators
- Requirements
- Should have basic understanding of automation tool
- Should have basic understanding of need to locators