Brief Introduction
Write Your Email Copy So Your Subscribers Last A LifetimeDescription
Are You Frustrated Because You’re Not Sure HOW To Write Effective Email Copy?
Let’s face it, it’s easy to be a “churn and burn” marketer and just spam the heck out of your subscribers.
But, you've likely noticed that writing in that way will never yield any fruitful rewards.
You realize by now that the true rewards are reserved for those who interact with their end users in a way that invokes trust, confidence, rapport, and prestige.
If You’d Love To Pick My Brain, Ask Me Anything You Want About Email Copywriting, As Well As Learn What Mentality To Have As You Artfully Compose Emails, You’ll Love This Course!
I’m not going to hype this course with any fanfare or ballyhoo.
You either realize what I have to offer (5 years of email marketing experience, countless subscribers who swear that my style rocks), or you’re just not interested in being a longterm email marketer.
So If You’re Depressed That Your Email Subscribers Opt-Out...
Or even worse - if they mark you as spam, or just plain ignore you...
Then enroll in this course now - you'll finally have the prestige and rapport that’s only possible when your susbcribers know you, like you, and trust you.
You’ll Also Have Me To Support You One On One!
I’m not ashamed to mention that I live on my computer 24/7.
I come from the tech world where customer support was always the top priority; so I can’t help it! Helping you is literally ingrained in my DNA.
So if you’d like to study alongside me, and have an email copywriting coach for the cost of a few peanuts...
Then you’re going to love every second of this course, and the relationship we develop shall last indefinitely, if you let it.
Talk later, and I’ll see you on the inside.
Mike “The Email Poet” DeVincent
Enroll Now, To Finally Interact With Your Subscribers In A Way That Builds Massive Rapport While Establishing Massive Goodwill And Prestige!
- Requirements
- You'll need to have a basic level of email copywriting understanding. This course is largely theoretical and high level strategy, so you'll learn HOW to write, not WHAT to write