Brief Introduction
How to prepare for the potential emergencies in your lifeDescription
The objective of the Emergency Preparedness Course is to help you create an emergency preparedness plan that you can feel comfortable with in the event of a natural disaster. The Emergency Preparedness Course consists of approximately 3 hours of lecture time and 73 test questions. The total estimated time needed to complete this course is 5 hours (3 hours of lecture and 2 hours for testing time).
Families and or individuals that are interested in being prepared for emergencies should register for this class.
Disclaimer : In regards to the use of this class : All of this material is in the public domain and it is up to the user to determine what is right for for you and your family to implement and you will accept full & total responsibility for any results of using the given information or recommendations in this class. By using this website, you agree to hold all individuals, families, organizations, and other websites and classes harmless or not responsible for the content or the results of using such content.
The recommendations and suggestions included in these materials are intended to assist the reader in improving disaster preparedness, response and mitigation. There is no guarantee, however, that such can or will be accomplished. While every reasonable effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the information in these materials, the author does not and cannot warrant the same. The author is not responsible and assumes no liability for any actions undertaken by any person utilizing information contained in these materials. The reader assumes all and every risk in using or applying the information contained in these materials and the author is not liable for any injury, death or property damage that occurs in connection with a disaster or other emergency.