Brief Introduction
Two sets of unique practice questions for successfully passing the DP-900 examDescription
You should enrol in this course when you have reviewed Microsoft's official Azure Data Fundamentals learning material, and you feel ready to test your knowledge.
Passing these practice test shall boost your confidence to pass the official DP-900 exam.
These practice shall measure:
Your ability to understand and convey core data concepts.
Your ability to describe how to work with Azure's relational databases.
Your ability to describe how to work with Azure's non-relational databases.
Your ability to understand and describe Azure's analytics workloads and pipelines.
This course is a must for any engineers (and even students) wanting to brush up of their data engineering knowledge to be more informed, and perhaps enter the exciting world of data engineering.
The knowledge in these practice tests is also useful for those wanting to pass the DP-200 and DP-201 exams.