Fabulous Florals in Gouache and Watercolor
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Brief Introduction
Create Imaginative Still Life Flower Arrangements in Mixed MediaDescription
Would you like to learn to paint simple, whimsical floral arrangements, or do you want to explore new ideas about color mixing and design? How about both?
In this class, we’re going to use your choice of paint—gouache or watercolor—along with markers, paint pens, colored pencils, or any mixed media tool you like, to create inventive, inspired floral arrangements.
We’ll also try out a color-mixing exercise to extend a simple palette of colors by mixing wonderful pastels and neutrals.
Then we’ll look at how to create color combinations from the new variety of colors we’ve mixed.
These techniques form the basis of all still life paintings. I hope you’ll start with flowers, and move on to fruit, bowls, mugs of tea, houseplants—whatever you’d like to arrange and paint.
I’m going to encourage you to be really free and imaginative with your floral arrangements. Concoct your own color scheme! Design your own vase! Invent new colors for flowers that you’ve never seen in nature!
Inspired by the creativity of masters like Matisse, you’ll be able to work from my example, or from your own still life setups, or from photographs you gather yourself.
These still life floral paintings make beautiful framed pieces, they're great as gifts, and they're lovely on cards. Enjoy!
- Requirements
- Beginning art skills