From 0 to 1: C Programming - Drill Deep
- 3.3
12 hours on-demand video
Brief Introduction
C Programming is still a very useful skill to have - and this is the course to pick it up!Description
C Programming is still a very valuable skill - and its also surprisingly easy to pick up. Don't be intimidated by C's reputation as scary - we think this course makes it easy as pie!
What's Covered:
- Conditional Constructs: If/else and case statements have a surprising number of little details to be aware of. Conditions, and working with relational and logical operators. Short-circuiting and the order of evaluation
- Loops: For loops, while and do-while loops, break and continue. Again, lots of little details to get right.
- Data Types and Bit Manipulation Operations, again full of little gotchas that interviewers and professors love to test.
- Pointers: Memory layout of pointers and variables, pointer arithmetic, arrays, pointers to pointers, pointers to structures, argument passing to functions, pointer reassignment and modification - complete with visuals to help you conceptualize how things work.
- Strings: Strings, Character pointers, character arrays, null termination of strings, string.h function implementations with detailed explanations.
- Structs and Unions: These seem almost archaic in an Object-Oriented world, but worth knowing, especially in order to nail linked list problems.
- Linked lists: Visualization, traversal, creating or deleting nodes, sorted merge, reversing a linked list and many many problems and solutions, doubly linked lists.
- IO: Both console and file IO
- Enums, typedefs, macros
- Requirements
- The course assumes that the student has a way to write and run C programs. This could include gcc on Mac or Unix, or Visual Studio on Windows.