From Beginner to Professional: A Complete Day Trading Guide
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Brief Introduction
Simple Step by Step Plan That Reveals Professional Approach to Trading and InvestingDescription
Day trading is a stye of trading in which traders open and close positions on the same day. Day trading strategies tend to be more action packed and require traders to be present at their trading station throughout the session, monitoring the live price charts. It is widely accepted that the narrower a time frame a trader works in, the more risk they are likely to be exposed to, meaning that day trading is one of the riskiest approaches to the financial markets. It is not necessarily that the different strategies themselves carry more risk. In fact, the overall logic is the same for almost any time interval that exists. However, day trading rules tend to be more harsh and unforgiving to those who do not follow them. Mistakes are more costly and they have the potential to occur more frequently, since the act of trading itself is occurring more frequently.
The primary components of this course are:
Financial Markets:
Where much trading of financial instruments takes place
What are the terms for long-term and short-term finance
How companies float shares to the general public
Into what classifications can the bond market be segmented
Why currencies are always traded in pairs
What is the market share of leading foreign exchange currencies
Why cryptocurrencies typically use decentralized control mechanisms
How spot markets operate
What is the overnight rate
Futures Contracts:
How the futures contracts are structured
How exchange provides the two parties a mechanism that gives them the guarantee that the contract they have entered into will be honored
Types of contracts offered by exchages for different commodities and financial assets
Ways to understand a margin account
Main differences between a Contango and Backwardation
What are Commodity Trading Advisories
How systematic trend following strategies are implemented by Commodity Trading Advisories
What type of markets and asset classes are Commodity Trading Advisories exposed to
How the essence of following a trend on futures contracts, and the underlying economic justification for it, is based on time series analysis and behavioral finance
Why the returns of trend following managed futures strategies are typically non-correlated or slightly negatively correlated with the equity market
Technical Analysis:
Basic concepts of mechanical systems as well as quick look at the history of technical analysis
Efficient Market Theory and Dow Jones principles of modern technical analysis
How mechanical trading systems can help us remove our emotions from our decisions
Most important properties of trailing moving averages
Why turning point in a trend is identified with a delay
What is crucial to the success of a trend following strategy
Types of moving averages that provide a better tradeoff between the smoothness and the delay in turning point identification
What are a variety of approaches practitioners use to measure and identify trends, and how each comes with its own pros and cons
Ways to apply a trend filter in order to make sure the trend following methods only signals for a long or short position when there is a clear trend in the market
What are the fundamental concepts of 'the Core strategy' used successfully by many hedge funds
Trading Strategies:
What it means to have a long or short position in a financial instrument
How to describe a 'physical' short-selling
Does the short-seller must pay a fee to borrow securities
Can 'naked' short selling be restricted during financial distress
Why higher expected return implies higher drawdown
How popular is algorithmic trading in the forex markets
Can the strategy of joining and fading the stock market's biggest winners be potentially profitable
Why trend followers do not aim to predict specific price levels
What are fundamental properties of any trading strategy
Is buy and hold really ideal for investors seeking healthy long-term returns
How to Choose the Right Trading Style:
Will your account size allow you to implement trading strategy properly
Are you conservative or more unconventional person
Can you stomach large number of consecutive losers
Is scalping best suited to impatient people
Do you have enough patience to become swing trader
Can you ignore popular opinion, since that is required to be profitable position trader
Does your current job allows you to check the trading platform every hour or so
Understanding market correlations
How to implement simple strategy with multiple exit techniques and trend filters
Things to Consider When Selecting a Brokerage:
Fees and comissions per trade
Should you pay for account maintenance
What is the spread pricing on most popular markets
Testing the trading platform
How well does the broker educate its clients
Ease of depositing and withdrawing funds
What kind of insurance does the broker provide to protect you in case the company fails
Broker regulation and most recent reviews
Good customer service accessibility
"Plan the trade and trade the plan." Just like in war, planning ahead can often mean the difference between success and failure. Learn the basics of risk management and how to apply it to your trading plan. You could be the most talented trader in the world with a natural eye for investment opportunities, and still blow your account with one bad call without proper risk management. It doesn't matter if you are trading forex, stocks, commodities or cryptocurrencies; in zero sum game you are obliged to manage the potential downside since the upside will take care of itself. As David Riccardo wrote almost 250 years ago 'cut your losses short, and let your profits run on'.
- Requirements
- No Previous Trading Experience is Required.