Front End Web Development - How and Why
- 4.5
Brief Introduction
Explaining the why and how of responsive web development using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScriptDescription
Hi! Welcome to the why and how of web development. I have designed this course to help you create responsive web pages and master these topics.
Responsive Web Design
Accessing local and remote JSON data using fetch and a promise
Responsive Images
Responsive Image Sliders
Lazy Loading
Web Form Development and Validation
When your learning to code, you often find yourself following along with a tutor without really knowing why you're doing certain things. In this course, I will demonstrate correct coding as well as mistakes I often see and how to avoid them.
- Requirements
- You need a computer
- You should have access to web hosting
- You should have several browsers installed on your computer for testing
- Configure GitHub to use pages
- Build a multiple page site with way-finding in place
- Implement basic PARC design principles
- Crop, scale, compress an image for use on the web.
- Build a scaling image that changed width with the page.
- Build a responsive image using srcset and device pixel density
- Build a responsive image using srcset and the width descriptor
- Build responsive navigation using a hamburger entity and JavaScript
- Access JSON data using AJAX
- Use a CSS Preprocessor with SASS
- CSS Animations
- Add a Google Font to their site using the Google API
- Build a Web Form following industry best practices using HTML5 and pseudo classes for validation
- Build a mobile weather site using JSON data
- Learn to modify images shapes and text wrapping using CSS
- Implement lazy loading an a gallery of images
- Learn and practice CSS Grid including named areas for responsive layout
- Learn and Practice Flexbox
- Build a touch enabled slider
- Add structured JSON data to a local business website
- Learn to build responsive image to target pixel density of the end device.