Course Summary
Learn how to build dynamic and responsive web applications using React, a popular front-end JavaScript library.Key Learning Points
- Learn to create reusable components using React
- Understand how to manage state and data flow in React
- Build and deploy a complete React application
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Create dynamic and responsive web applications using React
- Implement reusable components in your web development projects
- Understand the principles of state management and data flow in React
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Experience with web development frameworks is helpful but not required
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online
- Self-paced
- Video lectures
- Hands-on exercises
Similar Courses
- Full Stack Web Development with React
- React Native: Building Mobile Apps
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts
Related Education Paths
Notable People in This Field
- Creator of Redux
- JavaScript Educator
Related Books
This course explores Javascript based front-end application development, and in particular the React library (Currently Ver. 16.3). This course will use JavaScript ES6 for developing React application. You will also get an introduction to the use of Reactstrap for Bootstrap 4-based responsive UI design. You will be introduced to various aspects of React components. You will learn about React router and its use in developing single-page applications. You will also learn about designing controlled forms. You will be introduced to the Flux architecture and Redux. You will explore various aspects of Redux and use it to develop React-Redux powered applications. You will then learn to use Fetch for client-server communication and the use of REST API on the server side. A quick tour through React animation support and testing rounds off the course. You must have preferably completed the previous course in the specialization on Bootstrap 4, or have a working knowledge of Bootstrap 4 to be able to navigate this course. Also a good working knowledge of JavaScript, especially ES 5 is strongly recommended.
- Introduction to React
- Welcome to Front-End Web Development with React
- How to Use the Learning Resources
- What is Full-Stack Web Development?
- Exercise (Video): Setting up Git
- Exercise (Video): Basic Git Commands
- Exercise (Video): Online Git Repositories
- Node.js and NPM
- Exercise (Video): Setting up Node.js and NPM
- Exercise (Video): Basics of Node.js and NPM
- Front-end JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries Overview
- Introduction to React
- Exercise (Video): Getting Started with React
- React App Overview
- Introduction to JSX
- Exercise (Video): Configuring your React Application
- React Components
- Exercise (Video): React Components Part 1
- React Components: State and Props
- Exercise (Video): React Components Part 2
- React Components: Lifecycle Methods Part 1
- Assignment 1 Requirements (Video): React Components
- Welcome to Front-End Web Development with React: Additional Resources
- Full-Stack Web Development: The Big Picture: Objectives and Outcomes
- Full Stack Web Development: Additional Resources
- Setting up Your Development Environment: Git and Node: Objectives and Outcomes
- Setting up your Development Environment
- Exercise (Instructions): Setting up Git
- Exercise (Instructions): Basic Git Commands
- Exercise (Instructions): Online Git Repositories
- Exercise (Instructions): Setting up Node.js and NPM
- Exercise (Instructions): Basics of Node.js and NPM
- Setting up your Development Environment: Git and Node: Additional Resources
- Introduction to React: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): Getting Started with React
- Exercise (Instructions): Configuring your React Application
- Introduction to React: Additional Resources
- React Components: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): React Components Part 1
- Exercise (Instructions): React Components Part 2
- React Components: Additional Resources
- Assignment 1: React Components: Additional Resources
- Ideation: Objectives and Outcomes
- Ideation Report Template
- Ideation: Additional Resources
- React Router and Single Page Applications
- Presentational and Container Components
- Exercise (Video): Presentational and Container Components
- React Components: Lifecycle Methods Part 2
- Functional Components
- Exercise (Video): Functional Components
- React Virtual DOM
- Exercise (Video): Header and Footer
- React Router
- Exercise (Video): React Router
- Single Page Applications
- Exercise (Video): Single Page Applications Part 1
- React Router: Parameters
- Exercise (Video): Single Page Applications Part 2
- Assignment 2: React Router and Single Page Applications
- React Component Types: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): Presentational and Container Components
- Exercise (Instructions): Functional Components
- React Component Types: Additional Resources
- React Router: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): Header and Footer
- Exercise (Instructions): React Router
- React Router: Additional Resources
- Single Page Applications: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): Single Page Applications Part 1
- Exercise (Instructions): Single Page Applications Part 2
- Single Page Applications: Additional Resources
- Assignment 2: React Router and Single Page Applications: Additional Resources
- UI Design and Prototyping: Objectives and Outcomes
- UI Design and Prototyping Report Template
- UI Design and Prototyping: Additional Resources
- React Forms, Flow Architecture and Introduction to Redux
- Controlled Forms
- Exercise (Video): Controlled Forms
- Exercise (Video): Controlled Form Validation
- Uncontrolled Components
- Exercise (Video): Uncontrolled Forms
- The Model-View-Controller Framework
- The Flux Architecture
- Introduction to Redux
- Exercise (Video): Introduction to Redux
- React Redux Forms
- Exercise (Video): React Redux Form
- Exercise (Video): React Redux Form Validation
- Assignment 3: React Forms and Redux
- Controlled Forms: Objectives and Oute
- Exercise (Instructions): Controlled Forms
- Exercise (Instructions): Controlled Form Validation
- Controlled Forms: Additional Resources
- Uncontrolled Forms: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): Uncontrolled Forms
- Uncontrolled Forms: Additional Resources
- Introduction to Redux: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): Introduction to Redux
- Introduction to Redux: Additional Resources
- React Redux Form: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): React Redux Form
- Exercise (Instructions): React Redux Form Validation
- React Redux Form: Additional Resources
- Assignment 3: React Forms and Redux: Additional Resources
- More Redux and Client-Server Communication
- Redux Actions
- Exercise (Video): Combining Reducers
- Exercise (Video): Redux Actions
- Redux Thunk
- Exercise (Video): Redux Thunk
- Exercise (Video): React-Redux-Form Revisited
- Networking Essentials
- Brief Representational State Transfer (REST)
- Exercise (Video): Setting up a Server using json-server
- Promises
- Fetch
- Exercise (Video): Fetch from Server
- Exercise (Video): Fetch Handling Errors
- Exercise (Video): Fetch Post Comment
- React Animations
- Exercise (Video): React Animations
- Exercise (Video): React Animation Components
- Assignment 4: Redux, Client-Server Communication and Fetch
- Introduction to Webpack
- Exercise (Video): Building and Deploying the React Application
- Redux Actions: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): Combining Reducers
- Exercise (Instructions): Redux Actions
- Redux Actions: Additional Resources
- Redux Thunk: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): Redux Thunk
- Exercise (Instructions): React-Redux-Form Revisited
- Redux Thunk: Additional Resources
- Client-Server Communication: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): Setting up a Server using json-server
- Client-Server Communication: Additional Resources
- Fetch: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): Fetch from Server
- Exercise (Instructions): Fetch Handling Errors
- Exercise (Instructions): Fetch Post Comment
- Fetch: Additional Resources
- React Animations: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): React Animations
- Exercise (Instructions): React Animation Components
- React Animations: Additional Resources
- Assignment 4: Redux, Client-Server Communication and Fetch: Additional Resources
- Building and Deployment: Objectives and Outcomes
- Exercise (Instructions): Building and Deploying the React Application
- Building and Deployment: Additional Resources
- Project Implementation: Objectives and Outcomes
- Final Report Template
Summary of User Reviews
Read reviews on Coursera's Front-End Web Development with React course. Users have found this course to be highly informative and engaging, with an emphasis on hands-on learning. One key aspect that many users thought was good is the instructor's ability to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner.Pros from User Reviews
- The course is well-structured and easy to follow
- The instructor is highly knowledgeable and engaging
- The hands-on projects provide valuable practical experience
- The course covers a wide range of topics related to front-end web development
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the course to be too basic for their level of expertise
- The course can be time-consuming, especially for those with busy schedules
- Some users found the discussion forums to be unhelpful or difficult to navigate