Brief Introduction
A basic introduction of psychology and the processes and methods used within the field.
An introduction to the systematic study of human cognition, emotion, and behavior with an emphasis on the scientific method. Fundamentals of behavior, learning, conditioning, development, cognitive processes, perception, emotion, personality, and psychopathology are among the content areas studied. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of the scientific method for the study of human nature. Students successfully completing the course will demonstrate a general understanding of the knowledge established in these areas, as well as the methods used by psychologists to acquire that knowledge.
- At the completion of this course students will be able to:
- 1. Describe key concepts, theories, people, and themes in the areas of the history of psychology, behavioral neuroscience, human development, sensation and perception, conditioning and learning, human memory, cognition and intelligence, motivation and emotion, human sexuality, personality, psychological disorders, and social behavior.
- 2. Describe the research methodology used in each area.
- 3. Apply key concepts in each area to novel situations.
- 4. Apply the scientific method to the study of human behavior.
- 5. Identify applications of psychology.
- 6. Reflect on the use of scientific reasoning to interpret psychological phenomena