In this course, you will learn how to find GIS data for your own projects, and how to create a well-designed map that effectively communicates your message. The first section focuses on the basic building blocks of GIS data, so that you know what types of GIS files exist, and the implications of choosing one type over another. Next, we'll discuss metadata (which is information about a data set) so you know how to evaluate a data set before you decide to use it, as well as preparing data by merging and clipping files as needed. We'll then talk about how to take non-GIS data, such as a list of addresses, and convert it into "mappable" data using geocoding. Finally, you'll learn about how to take data that you have found and design a map using cartographic principles. In the course project, you will find your own data and create your own quantitative map.
- GIS File Types, Data Models, and Topology
- Welcome to the course!
- Introduction to topology
- Topology and data formats
- Shapefile: simple, with no topology
- Coverage: Complex, but has topology
- Comparison of shapefile, coverage, and geodatabase
- Building basic topology
- Georelational and object-relational vector data models
- PDF files of all lecture slides
- GIS Software needed for this course
- Week 1 Quiz
- Finding data and preparing it for your project
- Evaluating data using metadata
- Data dictionary
- The importance of metadata
- Viewing and editing metadata in ArcMap
- Downloading and using GIS data
- Adding x,y data from a table
- Clipping a feature class
- Merging feature classes
- Week 2 Quiz
- Geocoding addresses and postal codes
- What is geocoding?
- Geocoding in ArcGIS Online
- Geocoding postal codes
- Geocoding postal codes in ArcMap
- Postal codes and census data
- Canadian census units
- Ecological fallacy
- Geocoding street addresses
- Geocoding street addresses in ArcMap
- Geocoding practice
- Week 3 Quiz
- Map Design Principles
- Developing a critical eye
- The map design process
- Controls on map design, part 1
- Controls on map design, part 2
- Controls on map design, part 3
- Design principles
- Visual hierarchy
- Figure-ground relationship
- Contrast
- Legibility
- Visual balance
- Map elements
- Creating a map layout in ArcMap
- Basic map design in ArcMap
- Exporting a map as an image in ArcMap
- Typography
- Creating and customizing labels in ArcMap
- Map design practice
- Week 4 Quiz
- Mapping Quantitative Data
- Levels of measurement and mapping
- Colour models: RGB
- Colour models: HSV
- Colour models: CMYK
- Choropleth maps
- Creating choropleth maps in ArcMap
- Data classification for mapping
- Data classification methods for mapping
- Mean vs. median
- Zero values on your map
- Joining tables
- Working with tables in ArcMap
- Field calculations in tables
- Practice mapping quantitative data
- Week 5 Quiz
- Quantitative Map Types
- Dot maps
- Creating dot density maps in ArcMap
- Proportional symbol maps
- Graduated symbol maps
- Creating proportional and graduated symbol maps in ArcMap
- Contour maps
- Flow maps
- Multivariate maps
- Continue practicing with quantitative mapping
- Week 6 Quiz
- Project: Getting Data and Making Your Own Map
Summary of User Reviews
Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
The course is well-structured and easy to follow.Pros from User Reviews
- The instructor is knowledgeable and engaging.
- The course covers a wide range of GIS topics.
- The assignments are practical and relevant to real-life scenarios.
- The course provides ample resources and support for learners.
- The course is updated regularly with new content and materials.
Cons from User Reviews
- The course may be too basic for advanced GIS users.
- The course requires access to certain software and tools, which may be costly.
- The course may not cover some advanced GIS topics in depth.
- The course may be time-consuming and require a significant amount of effort.
- The course may not be suitable for learners who prefer a more interactive or hands-on approach.