Brief Introduction
Learn the most popular version control system, Git, by working on cheat sheet project and publishing it on GithubDescription
Git, is the most popular version control system and having this tool in your toolbelt is crucial if you practice software development professionally.
It may be intimidating to work with a command line tool. But in this course, we will practice a lot and will learn the commands in meaningful use cases. In the end of this course, you won't be having the fear of making mistake when working with git.
We will learn how do we
track or untrack files
commit changes to local repository
check local change history
reset our changes
undo commits
create and use branch
syncronize branches with rebase and merge
cherry-pick commit from one branch to another
create tags to mark our commits with custom names
We will practice the commands for tracking files or untracking a file, and we will practice branching and we will see how we can syncronize our branches with the commands like merge or rebase.
We will be using Github as remote repository. We will see how do we
configure Github to protect branches
create issues
link issues to commits
create pull requests
resolve conflicts
All major workflows are visualized by both in real practices and on graph to make sure nothing will be left vague and unclear in your mind.
By following each step in this course, you will be creating a git cheat sheet for yourself in the end.
- Requirements
- Basic computer skills like ability to install software on your computer and running commands from terminal