Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface
- 4.7
Approx. 49 hours to complete
Course Summary
This course explores the complex interconnections between human, animal, and ecosystem health, and the ways in which they intersect with global health trends.Key Learning Points
- Understanding the One Health approach to health challenges
- Exploring zoonotic diseases and their impact on human and animal health
- Examining the role of climate change in affecting health outcomes
- Learning how to design and implement effective One Health interventions
Related Topics for further study
- One Health approach
- Zoonotic diseases
- Climate change and health
- Intervention design
- Global health trends
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the interconnectedness of human, animal, and ecosystem health
- Identify the impact of zoonotic diseases and climate change on health outcomes
- Design and implement effective One Health interventions
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic understanding of public health and biology concepts
- Access to a computer and internet connection
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online self-paced course
- Video lectures
- Quizzes and assignments
- Discussion forums
Similar Courses
- One Health: Connecting Humans, Animals and the Environment
- Global Health: An Interdisciplinary Overview
Related Education Paths
- Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Global Health
- Certificate in One Health
- Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) in Global Health
Notable People in This Field
- Peter Daszak
- Laura H. Kahn
Related Books
The University of Geneva, Institute Pasteur, University of Montreal and Centre Virchow-Villermé/University Paris Descartes welcome you to this MOOC on "Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface"!
- Welcome! Key information on the MOOC
- Overview of the MOOC - Teaser
- Description of the MOOC : From Content to Evaluation (Dr. Ruiz de Castaneda, UNIGE)
- "Global Flipped Classroom & Hackathon on One Health”, 10-14th July 2017
- Discovering Global Health Together: UNIGE’s students and African refugees connected through an UNIGE’s MOOC
- Syllabus & list of Experts
- Learning material, activities & interactions with experts
- Evaluation & Certificate
- Acknowledgements
- Global Flipped Classroom & Workshop in July 2017: Join us in Geneva! - Last call for SSPH+ and/or Swiss participants!
- Published: First 'Global Flipped Classroom in One Health': From MOOCs to research on real world challenges
- Win a Travel Grant to Attend the Geneva Health Forum in April 2018
- Motivation to follow this MOOC
- Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface: The Need for Intersectoral Approaches (Section 1)
- Introduction to Section 1 (Dr. R. Ruiz de Castaneda, UNIGE)
- The importance of One Health for Global Health (Prof. A. Fontanet, Institut Pasteur)
- The Tripartite Collaboration: FAO-OIE-WHO (Dr. K. Miyagishima, WHO)
- Cross-Sectoral, Multidisciplinary Risk Assessment for Health Threats at the Human-Animal Interface (Dr. L. Mumford, WHO)
- How to link Global Health Priorities with Biodiversity? (Dr. M. Neira, WHO)
- Global Animal Trade: Health Risks and Regulations (Dr. J. Berezowski, UniBe)
- Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction & Health (Dr. C. Wannous, UNISDR)
- Zoonotic Diseases and One Health Approach
- The FAO-OIE-WHO Collaboration: A Tripartite Concept Note
- WHO - Rapid risk assessment of acute public health events
- Recommended Readings
- 'Tip of the iceberg': is our destruction of nature responsible for Covid-19?
- WTO - Understanding the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
- UNEP - The Latest Frontier - Exotic Consumerism: Illegal Trade in Live Animals
- UNISDR - Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and Webinar (October 19, 2017)
- Importance of One Health in Global Health
- Tripartite Alliance: Priorities & Actors
- Cross-sectoral heath risk assessments
- Biodiversity and Planetary Health
- Global Trade of Animals
- Bangkok Principles and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
- Graded quiz on "Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface: The Need for Intersectoral Approaches"
- Emerging Infectious Diseases (Section 2)
- Introduction to Section 2 (Dr. R. Ruiz de Castaneda, UNIGE)
- Challenges for the Spread of Emerging Viruses (Prof. L. Kaiser, UNIGE/HUG)
- Investigating Emerging Zoonotic Outbreaks: Importance of the One Health Approach (Dr. M. van Kerkhove, Institut Pasteur)
- Institute Pasteur Global Network & the Fight against Emerging Infections (Dr. M. Jouan, Institut Pasteur)
- IHR 3.0 Simulator: Improving our Response to Global Health Emergencies (Prof. A. Flahault, UNIGE)
- Exploring Bat Population Dynamics at the Frontline of the Emergence (Dr. J. Cappelle, Institut Pasteur)
- Exploring The Human-Bat Interface (Dr. J. Cappelle, Institut Pasteur)
- Fight against VBDs : Global Change & the Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach (Prof. A. Flahault, UNIGE)
- The Importance of Understanding Animal Behaviour for Global Health (Dr. R. Ruiz de Castaneda, UNIGE)
- Bushmeat & Emerging Infectious Diseases: Joint Conservation & Health Strategies (Dr. G Mauvais, IUCN)
- Social Anthropology of Zoonoses (Dr. T. Giles-Vernick, Institut Pasteur)
- The Reversed Spill-over: From Humans and Domestic Animals to Wildlife (Dr. G. Mauvais, IUCN)
- Spillover and pandemic properties of zoonotic viruses with high host plasticity
- Origins of major human infectious diseases
- Covid-19: Escaping pandora’s box—another novel coronavirus
- Taking forward a 'One Health' approach for turning the tide against the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and other zoonotic pathogens with epidemic potential
- The Institut Pasteur International Network: a century-old global public health powerhouse
- The Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in West Africa: A Wake-up Call to Revitalize Implementation of the International Health Regulations
- Further Recommended Readings
- A framework for the study of zoonotic disease emergence and its drivers: spillover of bat pathogens as a case study
- An interdisciplinary approach to controlling chikungunya outbreaks on French islands in the south-west Indian ocean
- Further recommended readings
- Global patterns of influenza A virus in wild birds
- Learn more about this hot topic: A selection of articles and press releases
- Further Recommended Lecture and Video
- Emerging infectious diseases of wildlife-threats to biodiversity and human health
- The hunt for the next potential coronavirus animal host
- Spill over of emerging pathogens
- Investigating zoonotic outbreaks with One Health
- Institut Pasteur and its Global Network
- IHR & Gamification
- Research on bat Disease Ecology
- Tackling VBDs with transdisciplinarity
- Animal Behaviour & Global Health
- Bushmeat & Emerging Diseases
- Social Anthropology & Emerging Infections
- The Reversed Spill-over
- Graded quiz on "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
- Antimicrobial Resistance & Zoonotic Foodborne Infectious Diseases (Section 3)
- Introduction to Section 3 (Dr. R. Ruiz de Castaneda, UNIGE)
- The Global Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance (Dr. E. Tayler, WHO)
- WHO Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (Dr. E. Tayler, WHO)
- Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) (Prof. A. Ravel, University of Montreal)
- Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) (Prof. A. Ravel, University of Montreal) (French Version)
- Why should we care about Multi-Resistant Bacteria? Clinical Impact & Public Health Implications (Prof. S. Harbarth, UNIGE/HUG)
- Antimicrobial Resistance in Foodborne Infections: Importance of the One Health approach (Dr. S. Le Hello, Institut Pasteur)
- FoodNet Canada: Why is this important? (Prof. A. Ravel, University of Montreal)
- FoodNet Canada: Why is this important? (Prof. A. Ravel, University of Montreal) (French Version)
- Tackling drug-resistant infections globally: Final report and recommendations. The review on antimicrobial resistance chaired by Jim O’Neill
- WHO - Global action plan on antimicrobial resistance
- Recommended Readings
- Antimicrobial resistance: one world, one fight!
- Use antimicrobials wisely
- Recommended Readings
- Antimicrobial Resistance and its threat for Global Health
- WHO Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance
- CIPARS in Canada
- Pan-drug resistant pathogens
- Multi-drug resistant Salmonella Kentucky
- FoodNet Canada
- Graded quiz on "Antimicrobial Resistance & Zoonotic Foodborne Infectious Diseases"
- Zoonotic Neglected Infectious Diseases (Section 4)
- Introduction to Section 4 (Dr. R. Ruiz de Castaneda, UNIGE)
- Neglected Tropical Diseases & Zoonosis: Challenges & Solutions (Dr. B. Abela-Ridder, WHO)
- Towards Rabies Elimination: The case of Kuazulu-Natal (South Africa) (K. Le Roux, Dpt. of Agriculture and Rural Development, Kwazulu-Natal)
- Major Research Challenges & Opportunities in the fight against Rabies (Dr. H. Bourhy, Institut Pasteur)
- Research & Innovation: Examples from Institut Pasteur’s fight against Rabies (Dr. H. Bourhy, Institut Pasteur)
- Ecodog: A One health and Ecohealth approach to Rabies (Prof. A. Ravel, University of Montreal)
- Ecodog: A One health and Ecohealth approach to Rabies (Prof. A. Ravel, University of Montreal) (French Version)
- One Health fight against Leishmaniasis (Prof. Afif Ben Salah, Institut Pasteur)
- Zoonotic Tuberculosis in the WHO End TB Strategy (Dr. M. Raviglione, Dr. A. Dean, WHO)
- World Health Assembly (WHA) Resolutions on Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Rescuing the bottom billion through control of neglected tropical diseases
- Further interesting reading
- WHO Webpages
- Current and future tools for global canine rabies elimination
- Laboratory diagnostics in dog-mediated rabies: an overview of performance and a proposed strategy for various settings
- Recommended Readings
- Leishmaniasis WHO factsheet
- Reading to go Further: Leishmania major infection among Psammomys obesus and Meriones shawi: reservoirs of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in Sidi Bouzid (central Tunisia)
- Zoonotic tuberculosis in human beings caused by Mycobacterium bovis - A call for action
- The New Roadmap for Zoonotic Tuberculosis
- Neglected Zoonotic Diseases
- Rabies control in Kuazulu-Natal in South Africa
- Leishmaniasis in Tunisia
- Zoonotic TB and WHO End TB Strategy
- Graded quiz on "Zoonotic Neglected Infectious Diseases"
- Conflicts & Injuries (Section 5)
- Introduction to Section 5 (Dr. R. Ruiz de Castaneda, UNIGE)
- Protected Areas: How to manage Human-Wildlife-Domestic Animals Interface? (Dr. G. Mauvais, IUCN)
- Snake-bites: A Neglected Global Health Challenge (Prof. F. Chappuis, UNIGE/HUG)
- Snake-bites in Sub-Saharan Africa: A priority for "Doctors Without Borders" (Dr. G. Alcoba, HUG/MSF)
- On the 9th June 2017 WHO decided to add snakebite envenoming to its list of top-priority NTDs (Comments by Dr. G. Alcoba, HUG/MSF)
- Impact of Snake-bites in Livestock: The Case of Costa Rica (Dr. M. Herrera, Instituto Cladomiro Picado)
- The Wild Side of Disease Control at the Wildlife-Livestock-Human Interface: A Review
- Vipers, mambas and taipans: the escalating health crisis over snakebites
- Snake bite in South Asia: a Review
- In May 2019 the WHO launched the official snakebite envenoming road map
- Global Snakebite Initiative (website and video)
- June 9th 2017, Snakebite Envenoming Back to the WHO NTD List
- What is the impact of snakebite on domestic animals?
- IUCN, PAPACO & human-animal conflicts
- Snakebite: Clinical implications
- Snakebite as a medical priority
- Snakebite & livestock in Costa Rica
- Graded quiz on "Conflict and Injuries"
- Innovation & Opportunities (Section 6)
- Introduction to Section 6 (Dr. R. Ruiz de Castaneda, UNIGE)
- Citizen Science & Crowdsourcing: Opportunities & Challenges in Health (Prof. F. Grey, UNIGE)
- Digital Epidemiology: Opportunities & Challenges in Global Health (Prof. M. Salathe, EPFL)
- Citizen science could map snakebite risk
- Citizen surveillance for environmental monitoring: combining the efforts of citizen science and crowdsourcing in a quantitative data framework
- Digital Epidemiology
- Influenza A (H7N9) and the importance of digital epidemiology
- Snakebite and snake identification: empowering neglected communities and health-care providers with AI
- Citizen Science & Global Health
- Digital Epidemiology
- Graded quiz on "Innovation and Opportunities"
- Health Benefits at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface (Section 7)
- Introduction to Section 7 (Dr. R. Ruiz de Castaneda, UNIGE)
- What is Environmental Health? A Historical Overview (Dr. J. Simos, UNIGE)
- Ecosystem Services & Health (Dr. M. Schlaepfer, UNIGE)
- Growing with Nature: Implications for Child Health & Allergies (Dr. C. Roduit, UNIZH)
- Biodiversity as a Source of Food for Humans and Animals: Socio-cultural Determinants of Food Habits (Dr. E. Fourat, University of Toulouse - Jean Jaures)
- Companion Animal Ownership: Benefits for Human and Animal Health (Dr. D. Turner, Institute for Applied Ethology and Animal Psychology, Zurich)
- Companion Animals & Economic Benefits of One Health (Dr. D. Turner, Institute for Applied Ethology and Animal Psychology, Zurich)
- Rethinking Environmental Protection: Meeting the Challenges of a Changing World
- The environmental health practitioner: new evidence-based roles in housing, public health and well-being
- Further readings
- Development of atopic dermatitis according to age of onset and association with early-life exposures
- The Hygiene Hypothesis
- Agricultural biodiversity as a link between traditional food systems and contemporary development, social integrity and ecological health
- Zooeyia: an essential component of One Health
- Companion animals and human health: Benefits, challenges, and the road ahead
- Environmental Health
- Ecosystem Services & Health
- Nature & Allergic Diseases and Asthma
- Food Categories
- Benefits of Companion Animal Ownership
- Graded Quiz on "Health Benefits at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface"
- Management of Ecosystems under Global Changes: Implications for Human Health (section 8)
- Increasing Health Sector Resilience to Climate Change and Disaster Risk: the Value of Biodiversity and Ecosystems (Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General)
- Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health (Cristina Romanelli, CBD)
- Harnessing Biodiversity to Maximize Health Co-benefits in Agroecosystems (Dr. David Cooper, CBD)
- Biodiversity and Human Health Linkages: Concepts, Determinants, Drivers of Change and Approaches to Integration (Dr. D. Campbell-Lendrum, WHO)
- Global Overview of the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (Dr. F. Branca, WHO)
- Food Systems, Nutrition and Climate Change: The Need for a Cross-sectoral Approach (Ms. L. Mahy, WHO)
- Agrobiodiversity for Healthy, Diverse Diets and Food Systems. Case Studies from Brazil, Turkey, Kenya and Sri Lanka (Dr. D. Moura, Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition)
- Sustainable Oceans Management and Health (Dr. J. Rice, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada)
- Sustainable Management of Agroecosystems and Health (Dr. S. Newman, FAO)
- The Role of Sustainably Managed Seascapes / Landscapes in Health and Nutritional Outcomes (Dr. C. Golden, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston)
- Gender and Health in the Face of Global Environmental Change (Ms. E. Villalobos Prats, WHO)
- Biodiversity and health in the international agenda
- Biodiversity as a part of Planetary health
- Biodiversity and human health
- United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition
- WHO Ambition and Action in Nutrition 2016-2025
- Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition Initiative Factsheet
- Improving diets with wild and cultivated biodiversity from across the landscape
- Sustainable fisheries
- Further Readings
- Recommended readings
- Gender, climate change and health
- Biodiversity and human health linkages
- International efforts on the food systems, nutrition and climate change
- Agrobiodiversity for healthy, diverse diets and food systems
- Sustainable oceans management and health
- Agroecosystems and health
- Sustainable management of ecosystems
- Gender and Health in the face of Global Environmental Change
- Graded Quiz on "Management of Ecosystems under Global Changes"
- Final Quiz
- Final Quiz
Summary of User Reviews
Learn about the interconnectedness of human, animal, and ecosystem health with this informative course on global health. Users have rated this course highly for its comprehensive coverage and engaging teaching style.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
Users appreciate the course's emphasis on the One Health approach to global health, which considers the interplay between human, animal, and environmental health.Pros from User Reviews
- Comprehensive coverage of global health topics
- Engaging teaching style and interactive learning activities
- In-depth exploration of the One Health approach
- Relevant case studies and real-world examples
- Useful resources and readings provided for further learning
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the course content to be too basic
- Occasional technical issues with the Coursera platform
- Limited opportunities for interaction and discussion with other learners
- Not all topics may be relevant for learners in certain fields
- Some users found the quizzes and assessments to be too challenging