Brief Introduction
Learn the Little Known Goal Setting System - Goals Magic. Achieve Your Goals With This Goal Setting Introduction CourseDescription
Goal Setting Introduction Course - Congratulations, you are about to register for the most powerful goal setting system and approach you have come across.
You're UNCONSCIOUS ... that's where the real secret to setting and achieving goals is. Learning to set goals in a way that is enticing to your unconscious mind, and then installing these goals through meditation into your future time stream at an unconscious level.
That's where you find the magic in goal setting and no other courses here are teaching this.
Are you looking to learn the most powerful goal setting and goal achievement system you have ever tried?
If you are then welcome to the Goals Magic System.
Many people go through life dissatisfied with where they are in life and dreaming and hoping for something better. Only a small percentage manage to actually raise themselves up and achieve more from life. Have you ever wondered why?
The human brain, and more particularly your unconscious mind, is a powerful goal seeking system that will work for you in achieving virtually any goal you can believe in for yourself. The problem is it doesn't come with an instruction manual.
Lucky for us though we live in a time where science, and research has led to new understandings of how to unlock this virtually unlimited infinite potential that is trapped within you. Today is the day you learn to set this power free. Today is the day you are going to learn a powerful process for defining and clearly stating your goals and then programming your unconscious mind to achieve your goal.
What Is The Goals Magic System?
The Goals Magic System is a goal setting system I first developed for myself 20+ years ago.
I was searching for a systematic way to set, record and achieve my goals. I was young ambitious and wanting to take on the world, yet I had no real idea how to harness the infinite potential within me and channel it towards the achievement of my dreams.
So I went on a quest to find the best ideas I could for setting and achieving goals.
I studied intensively including becoming a Certified Trainer in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and a Certified Trainer in Ericksonian Hypnosis.
Finally I came up with what I refer to as the Goals Magic System. Why Goals Magic? Well when you start to use it and make it a part of your everyday life you find the power of it to be magical.
Over the years I have used the Goals Magic System to attract the woman of my dreams who I have now been with for more than 15 years and married to for 12 years. Plus I used the system to create and star in two TV shows which were aired in prime time TV in Australia and have been broadcast around the world.
I even used the Goals Magic System process when I decided I wanted to become a full time artist and over the last six years I have built an online art school teaching thousands of students globally and earning a six figure income that is mostly passive and recurring income giving me a level of lifestyle freedom most people only dream of.
More than 20,000 people have used the Goals Magic System to achieve similar results in their life.
Why This Course Is Different?
This course is different from any goal setting courses or personal development courses you may have taken in the past. In this course we won't be going over a lot of theory and lessons on goal setting that you may see in other courses.
This course gets right to the heart of the matter ... how to write your goal statement in the most effective and powerful way to make it compelling. And then how to take that goals statement and drop it into your future time stream so you are literally pulled towards a more inspiring future.
Imagine the power of this for just a moment ...
If you could really tap into just how powerful this process is that you are about to learn, then the question you have to ask yourself is this ... what would you set as your number one goal?
What one thing would you most like to achieve in life right now?
How would it make you feel if you knew with absolute certainty that you can and will achieve that goal?
For a brief moment just imagine that and capture that feeling.
Because when you can get an image of how different your life could be, and you can experience how it would feel, then you will know why you must register for this course right now.
Life is all about choices.
Sadly most choose to spend their brief time on planet earth without goals and they become wandering generalities. They have no specific purpose. No plan for their life. No dreams and goals.
How tragic ...
You and I though know better.
When you have a specific purpose for getting up each day, a target to aim for, and we are fuelled with passion then we can achieve great things.
So I invite you to register now and learn this powerful goal setting approach that could set you free from the rat race in life.
If you get it register now and i will see you on the inside.
Added Bonus
As an added bonus when you register today you will also receive the downloadable Time Line Meditation MP3 which walks you through the process of installing your goals into your unconscious mind.