Brief Introduction
Everything you need to know about growing great seedlingsDescription
A workshop for those of you wishing to reconnect to the natural world and those of you wanting ensure your daily actions regenerate life on earth. Contains over 2 hours in videos, a generous database with design plans and all the references needed to enable you to grow high quality seedlings and have a deep understanding of the significance that lies in growing your own seedlings. This workshop shows you how to work with the "laws of nature" in order to step into a powerful regenerative process in your own backyard. The understandings and skills Kay Baxter has built over many years of working this field are now available in a affordable and easy to access online workshop.
Episode 1 - Introduction - You will:
Understand the benefits of growing your own seedlings
Understand the natural process of coevolution, and the benefits of working with the ‘laws of nature’.
Know how home gardeners can work in a regenerative way to create a resilient, strong and healthy future for us all.
Know the importance of working with the genetics and environment.
Be able to choose seeds to achieve the best outcome.
Understand the environment great seedlings require.
Episode 2 - Materials
You will know everything you need to grow great seedlings, without plastic and using simple and affordable things we can make ourselves.
Episode 3 - Planting Seedlings - You will:
Know how to make your own seed raising mix, using your own materials or bought materials.
Learn the different ways seeds can be planted, and how to decide which method to use.
Learn how to sow seedlings to be “pricked out” later, and how to sow “scatter sown” seeds that go directly into garden when ready.
Episode 4 - Observation - You will:
Know how to handle seedlings.
Be able to understand the relationship between plant roots and microbes.
Be able to tell if the seedling’s roots are exuding sugars.
Know how to tell when seedlings are ready to be pricked out, or planted into the garden if ‘scatter sown’.
Understand why it is critical to prick out and transplant at the optimal time.
Learn how to direct sow seeds into garden.
Learn one of the creative ways to germinate seeds early without a greenhouse.
Episode 5 - Observation pt. 2 - You will:
Learn about different options for seed raising mixes.
Understand that our job is to provide the seedlings with what they need in order to photosynthesise efficiently, so they can start growing nutrient dense food, sequester carbon and grow soil.
Know how to create a regenerative system.
Know how to mark seed trays to get accurate spacings between seedlings.
Learn how to prick out seedlings in 3 steps.
Be able to know when and why roots need pruning.
Learn how to make microbe food to boost your seedling (recipe included in database)
Episode 6 - Observation pt. 3
You will know what a ‘great seedling’ is.
You will be able to understand the importance of ‘hardening’ seedlings off before transplanting into garden.
- Requirements
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