Brief Introduction
Playing lead guitar and melodies on the guitar using single notes can be fantastic. It can also get a little stale at times. This is a great way to play "small chords". They are actually named "Dyads", and you can use them both for rhythm guitar as well as for lead guitar. You can also view them as harmonized 3rds. It's a cool tool in your shed for playing lead guitar with more variation.
In this course, I will go through all 12 major scale keys using the Circle Of Fifths and The Cycle Of Fourths. I prefer to use the circle of fifths for the sharp keys, and the cycle of fourths for the flat keys.
Fifths are musical intervals. The circle of 5ths is an arrangement of the 12 notes of the musical alphabet in a circle. Each note on the circle is a perfect fifth apart. At the top of the circle we begin on the note C. As you go clockwise around the circle, the notes move in perfect 5ths. The Circle of Fifths tells you how many sharps or flats are in a given key. C has no sharps or flats. It is called the Circle of Fifths because as you go clockwise you go up a fifth. For example, the fifth note of the C major scale is G. ... The Circle of Fifths can also be used to help to learn chords.
To properly use the circle of fifths to figure out a key signature, you'll need to also remember this mnemonic device, which tells you the order of flats and sharps: Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle. For sharp keys (clockwise on the circle of fifths), read the mnemonic device forward. So for the flat keys remember: Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles Father.
The first major key is C Major: C D E F G A B (No sharps or flats)
The second major key is G Major: G A B C D E F#
The third major key is D Major: D E F# G A B C#
The fourth major key is A Major: A B C# D E F# G#
The fifth major key is E Major: E F# G# A B C# D#
The sixth major key is B Major: B C# D# E F# G# A#
The seventh major key is F# Major: F# G# A# B C# D# E#
The first major key is F Major: F G A Bâ™ C D E
The second major key is Bâ™ Major: Bâ™ C D Eâ™ F G A
The third major key is Eâ™ Major: Eâ™ F G Aâ™ Bâ™ C D
The fourth major key is Aâ™ Major: Aâ™ Bâ™ C Dâ™ Eâ™ F G
The fifth major key is Dâ™ Major: Dâ™ Eâ™ F Gâ™ Aâ™ Bâ™ C
The sixth major key is Gâ™ Major: Gâ™ Aâ™ Bâ™ Câ™ Dâ™ Eâ™ F
In this course, I will show you how to combine scale notes, scale positions, and the dyads derived from each one of the 12 scales. You can see 13 scales above. F#/Gâ™ Major Scale are Enharmonic. Which means they have exactly the same notes. One: F# Major is written out in sharps. The other: Gâ™ Major is written out using flats.