Hands-On Transcription Practice Series - Course C
- 4.5
Brief Introduction
Like a Transcriptionist Simulator - Created by a 17-Year Active Transcriptionist - 25 Audios and Documents for ProofingDescription
Hands-On Transcription Practice Created by an Experienced Transcriptionist Herself:
This is Course C in the Hands-On Transcription Practice Series, featuring practice work in the following genres:
Healthcare ( Medical )
Market Research Interviews
A Keynote Speaker
A Podcaster
A Freelance Writer
As an experienced at-home transcriptionist for over 17 years, I have a very good handle on what is required to be an excellent transcriptionist, and be successful at it. I have taught hundreds in my successful Udemy course, “Step-by-Step Transcription from Home - Start A New Career,” and now am very excited to provide a series of courses devoted solely to transcription practice, with hours of hands-on transcription work for you!
Immerse Yourself in the Work of a Transcriptionist:
The series enables those learning transcription (or coming back into the field) to practice with over two hours of audio per course (25 individual files in each), in several genres - and with the added benefit of a finished typed document to compare against your work for every audio. Each course stands on its own, offering video introductions to each set of work, companion audio files to type, work specifications documents for each “client,” as well as completed work documents, for your comparison, for each audio. In doing this, you will be proofreading your documents, getting used to this part of transcription work, as well.
Simply put, these hours of hands-on transcription practice, producing completed documents in many subjects and genres, will add to your confidence and experience when you do look for work. (I would have loved something like this when I started out!)
Have You Taken Other Transcriptionist Courses?
Are You Coming Back Into Transcription?
If you have taken a course in becoming a transcriptionist, such as my own (“Step-by-Step Transcription from Home - Start A New Career”), or others, you will find this practice to be a really useful addition to your transcriptionist education, allowing you to further the transcription practice you have started - completing many typed files, increasing your skills as a transcriptionist, while getting better with your equipment, as well.
If you have not trained in transcription at all, you may still get benefit from the course in working through the files. Please note, however, that there will not be information on software and equipment needed, etc. to be a transcriptionist. These courses are solely focused on practicing by completing transcription work itself. With that said, and as someone who had minimal training when I began, you may well be able to work through these. However, you can also sign up for a transcription course, and this series as well. Whatever works for you!
If you were a transcriptionist in the past, these courses will be a wonderful way to get “back in the groove” of transcription, practicing at your own pace!
What You Will Complete in This Series - Course C:
As noted above, this course in the series features practice work in the following genres:
Healthcare ( Medical )
Market Research Interviews
A Keynote Speaker
A Podcaster
A Freelance Writer
For each genre there is an introductory video, noting the work practice type, and some pointers on completing the work type. You will then receive 5 audios and a work specification sheet to download, noting any formatting or “client” requests. You will also receive 5 completed documents for download, to compare your finished work against.
In total, in this course you will receive 25 audio files (over 2 hours of audio), and when complete will have created 25 typed documents.
Like A Transcriptionist Simulator:
With this course you can immerse yourself in the work of a transcriptionist, working on 25 files of varying types and subjects.
You will be working with varying genres of work, including general transcription, as listed above for this specific course in the series. If you conducted a search for " audio transcription " here on Udemy, this course would meet your needs, as well, as you will be receiving 25 audios to transcribe.
When This Course is Complete:
You will have successfully typed 25 documents covering 5 genres of audio work. You will have greatly added to your skills as a transcriptionist, including learning to proofread, enabling you to apply for work with even more confidence.
Do You Want More Practice?
If you want more practice you have some options. If you like, you can go through this course’s practice files again, honing and perfecting your skills. However, if you would like even more files to work on, you can pick up another course in the series - which will add 25 more audios in 5 genres to your practice workload.
The choice is yours!
Are you ready to get started practicing with transcription work? I look forward to seeing you in the class!
- Requirements
- None are required
- You may find it beneficial to have completed a course on being a transcriptionist
- Hands-on transcription practice
- Like a transcriptionist simulator
- Transcription practice in keynote speaker files
- Transcription practice in healthcare files
- Transcription practice in medical files
- Transcription practice in market research interviews
- Transcription practice on freelancer files
- Transcription practice on podcaster files
- Proofreading practice on completed transcribed files
- Course created and taught by a transcriptionist for over 17 years
- Be immersed in the work of a transcriptionist