Brief Introduction
A Guide to create optimum Health and Wellbeing from Within| Learn the Mechanics of Health to create a disease free lifeDescription
Experience Good Health and Wellbeing: A Yogi's Guide:
★In this course, Internationally renowned yogi and mystic Sadhguru, delves into the aspect of Human Health and looks at how we can create health and wellbeing for ourselves. Health means a certain sense of wholeness that involves Physical, Mental and Spiritual Wellbeing. The word 'health' itself comes from the word ‘whole’. Health is not just mere absence of disease.
The Modern Medical Model is failing:
By treating symptoms only, the medical system is failing to look at what actually caused the illness. Because of this, people are left uneducated and often not realizing that it may have been aspects of their lifestyle that have played a part in the development of illness.
The number of people living with chronic conditions is growing worldwide, expected to rise by 57% by the year 2020 [WHO].
Despite advances in modern medicine, diagnosis and technology, 8 out of 10 deaths worldwide in 2018, were caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs), particularly cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and respiratory diseases like asthma.
Not only is there little to no focus on nutrition by the mainstream medical industry, but holistic alternatives are often completely disregarded and even scoffed at. If we could avoid surgery by giving our bodies what they truly need to heal themselves, why wouldn’t we?
Doctors themselves are saying that the whole 'Find-it-fix-it' approach to diseases is not working.
What if we could take necessary steps to drastically reduce our chance of developing a deadly disease or illness? Well, we can. But this is not something that modern medicine will be able to teach you. The body’s ability to heal itself is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.
Sadhguru explains that long term health cannot be achieved through medical science the way we know it. In this course, he looks at the fundamentals for creating health in the body, not just as a temporary relief from illnesses, but as a natural state of being. This very body that you carry was created from within. You provided raw material from outside, but the creation process happened from within. That means the source of creation or the manufacturer of the body, is within. Trying to fix health from outside is a very effortful process. If you keep access to the innermost core, health will be a natural phenomenon.
Right now world is in a way of imitating everything that America does. They eat badly, they live badly and they have a three trillion dollar bill of health care, it’s sinking the country.
Are sleepwalking into a sick future??
Medical Science is busy studying disease. Maybe it is time to study health,rather than disease. It is time for a thorough paradigm shift, its time to shift to a new way of perceiving health, disease and the human body as a whole.
Sadhguru explains that 70% of diseases today are chronic ailments created from within, and can be fixed from within. Seventy percent of the ailments on this planet can be just handled with better sense of living, eating, and managing the atmosphere around yourself.
Nutrition: He looks at the kind of foods that the body is most comfortable with and explores the most appropriate ways of consuming such foods. It also touches on the latest research which reveals some shocking truths about foods we commonly consume.
Balancing the Elements: Also, Sadhguru highlights the role of the 4 elements – air, water, earth and fire – and their importance in experiencing good health and a stress-free life.
What is Required?
We must focus not on Medicine but on Health. Better still on Human Well-being as a composite whole.
Removing the boundary between Medicine and Health; between Health and spirituality has become of paramount importance.
Only infectious diseases really need outside support/treatment- as they are invasions which must be handled on a war footing by chemicals.
We must learn to Use our bodies to its optimum potential and pay attention to what we consume as Physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, processed foods, smoking and alcohol use are all major contributors to ill health.
It is necessary that we learn to pay the required attention to that which creates health within each on of us.
No human being gets to live in perfect conditions. The pressures of life, the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink can affect us in many ways. The more activities we have in the world, the more we are exposed to things that can throw our chemistry off balance and create health problems. It becomes all the more important to know how to create Health.
"I could show you hundreds and thousands of people who have come out of their health issues – particularly chronic ailments and psychological problems – simply by creating the necessary alignment within themselves. It is misalignment that causes all kinds of problems. When the body is at ease, there is no disease. " - Sadhguru
- Requirements
- No Prerequisites.
- You must have an Open mind and a Willingness to make the appropriate lifestyle changes.