Healthy Eating Habits : How To Eat A Healthy Balanced Diet
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Brief Introduction
Healthy Eating 101: How To Eat Healthy - Healthy Balanced Diet - Healthy Cooking - Healthy Eating Habits & NutritionDescription
Hi, I’m Gianluca Tognon, and in the past 15 years, I’ve worked as a researcher and teacher in several universities and institutions in Sweden and in Italy. I’ve also coached hundreds of men and women and helped them lose weight and feel better thanks to a healthy diet.
I want to invite you to discover the truth about healthy eating habits, dieting, and nutrition that will change the way you eat forever.
Healthy eating 101
In my course, I’ll show you the differences between eating styles and popular diets. I’ll show you what the advantages and disadvantages of each are, and, most importantly, I’m going to explain why the answer isn’t in one single diet.
The truth about nutrition is that everyone’s body is different. The key to healthy, personalized eating is to do the same and create a diet unique to you. I’m going to help you create a proper nutritional plan for your unique needs.
In this course, we're going to answer many questions such as:
What's a balanced diet?
Many people talk about this but the answer to this question can be many. In this course, we'll explore the characteristics that make a diet balanced, in terms of nutrients and energy requirements and in terms of disease prevention in the long term.
What's a vegan diet?
Vegan diets have become very popular in recent years also thanks to the increasing attention to environmental issues. You will discover which foods are vegan and which are not and how to swap vegetal with animal proteins. You will also know more about which nutrients should be supplemented in a vegan diet and which people should be particularly careful with vegan diets, because of the possible risks of nutrient deficiencies. This section also contains menus and recipes for those who want to try this diet.
What's a paleo diet?
This is another popular diet, especially among cross-fit athletes. But, which are the principles that regulate a paleolithic diet? In this section, you will discover which foods can be consumed in this diet, and which not. Also, several myths surround this type of diet, and the course digs deeply into them. Paleo menus and recipes are also included, together with additional materials for those who want to know more on this topic.
What's a gluten-free diet?
Celiac disease affects many people and a gluten-free diet is the only way to deal with it. Gluten is contained in many foods, and it is also "hidden" in many commercial food products. Since this diet must be followed very strictly, it is important to be aware of all sources of gluten. As for the other sections, menus, recipes, and additional materials are also included.
What's a Mediterranean diet?
This is probably the most popular diet in the world, especially because it has been awarded the title of "intangible heritage of the world" by UNESCO and because it is considered one of the healthiest diets. This section will help you understand what a Mediterranean diet is, which foods can be considered typical Mediterranean and why this diet is considered so healthy. Menus, recipes, and additional materials are included as well.
What's a keto diet?
Overweight and obesity are on the rise everywhere. It is not surprising that a diet that is considered one of the most effective in helping people lose weight has become very popular as well. The keto diet was first "invented" by Dr. Atkins many decades ago, and it has been proposed in many different ways. In this section, we'll explore which are the principles of a keto diet, which are the potential benefits and risks.
How to lose weight?
Strictly connected to the previous one, this section will teach you a few simple, but effective rules to lose weight. Weight-loss attempts can be very frustrating, especially because most of them unfortunately fail! In my career as a nutritionist, I have helped hundreds of people lose weight and I have convinced myself that it all boils down to learning how to eat in a more strategic and mindful way.
How to gain weight?
Although less popular than the previous topic, to succeed in gaining weight can be more difficult than trying to lose weight. In this section, you will discover many strategies that can be applied to increase the amount of energy without increasing the volume of food, so that you can reach the weight you desire. Many examples of high-energy meals are also given in the supplementary materials of this section.
How to eat healthy
Included in this course is my detailed, easy to follow guide about the most popular diets. From paleo to gluten-free, vegan, Mediterranean diet, and more, I’ll break each down into a pros and cons list for you, so you can decide.
Healthy cooking
Once you find the foods you’ll eat, you can use my included recipes that make it easy to follow your new plan. I have been using these recipes in my coaching programs for years and my clients love them!
Healthy nutrition and healthy eating
I’ll provide you with custom tools that will put a number to the energy you burn in a day. If you want to clear up the diet myth once and for all, I invite you to join me and the hundreds of other students that I have taught over the past 15 years. Healthy, nutritious eating is really only a few clicks away.
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up to my course today!
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