Brief Introduction
Exam tips, tools and strategies to help you finally master the content, retain the information and ace your IT exams.Description
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people embark upon IT certification studies. Most quit on the way and of those who make it as far as the exam, only around 50% pass. Why?
The problem lies in the fact that we have had to study for years at school but nobody told us How to Prepare For Exams. Experts agree that traditional read and memorize methods doom you to failure. Modern techniques developed by learning gurus include speed reading, visualization techniques, motivational strategies, visualization and many other methods which have been proven to work time and time again.
My name is Paul Browning and I've been studying for most of my life. School, police promotion exams, a law degree and then several IT exams. I've learned what works really well and I've been sharing these ideas for several years with many thousands of students via my IT certification websites.
I hope you enjoy learning the easy way to study, remember and ace your IT exams.
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