How to build persistence mongoDB app with Go
- 2.4
Brief Introduction
Go applications with application dataDescription
Course DescriptionWhen you build web applications, persistence of application data is very important. You can define the data
model of your Go applications using structs, in which you can program against the structs for working with
application data, but you need persistent storage for your application data.
This course shows you how to persist application data into MongoDB, which is a popular NoSQL database.
This course covers the following:
• Introduction to MongoDB
• You will know how insert documents
• You will know how read documents
• You will know how update documents
• You will know how delete documents
• You will know how create indexes
The Go programming language can be simply described in three words: simple, minimal, and pragmatic.
If you look deeply into the language design of Go, you see its simple and minimalistic approach, coupled
with a pragmatic design. You can observe this simplicity with all the Go language features, including the
type system. Today, many programming languages provide too many features that make applications more
complex for developers. The design goal of Go is to be a simple and minimal language that provides all the
necessary features for developing efficient software systems.
- A familiarity of programming in Golang.
- A familiarity of Linux or OSx
- A familiarity of MongoDB
- Learned how to persist data into MongoDB using the mgo package, which is a MongoDB driver for Go.
- Big Data professionals who want to MongoDB and Golang.
- IT professionals and managers who want to understand and learn this hot new technology
- Requirements
- You should have basic level of programming on go language and basic level on noSQL databases