Brief Introduction
Gain the visibility you need to make good business decisions.Description
When you own a business--any business--what you don't know can really hurt you. This is why successful business owners estimate their expenses and cash inflows and review their budget on a regular basis. In this course, I'll provide you with a simple budgeting template (.xls) and walk you through how to use it step-by-step, so that you can create and maintain a budget for your business.
Along the way, I'll help you understand the difference among fixed, variable, and discretionary expenses and techniques for estimating your future cash inflows. We'll take a look at your sales funnel, and I'll provide you with a simple tool that you can use to gauge the value of your funnel. Loads of videos, mashups, and screencasts to support you along the way.
This course is for new business owners and folks thinking about starting a business. I designed it primarily for consulting businesses, but budgeting really applies to any business.
If you want to take your business seriously, take this course and start wrapping your head around your finances. You'll be glad you did. As your business grows, so does your financial risk, so start building good financial habits early and you'll be fine.
- Requirements
- You'll need to have Microsoft Excel in order to open the budget template provided, but the tool is simple enough that you don't need to know Excel in any great depth.