How To Create Your Own Vision Quest And 'See' With Clarity
- 4.9
Brief Introduction
Discover Who You Really Are, And What You Need To Do, When You Release Yourself From Fear, And The Burden Of The PastDescription
***Hot & New - Created in August 2020***
The year is 2020. Are you ready for 2020 Vision?...It is time to 'see' with crystal clarity what you need to see, beyond the veil of illusion...
It is a said that every man and woman should go on a quest once in their lives.
However, the only one true quest, is the journey within into self discovery, of who you really are.
Our true identity has become hidden behind layers upon layers of conditioning from external sources.
We are told who we are, what we should say, what we should do, even what we should think.
How can we ever be free, until we unpack these layers of conditioning from our authority figures, particularly from those inherited during our formative year in childhood, and from our many cultural influences, for example, our national identity.
Through life often we add more layers to this complex of self identity that we might call the ego, rather than find our way back home to our true self.
Many of these conditioned thoughts, perceptions and ways of being are nothing to do with who we really are, and actually hinder our progress.
We need to unpick all of our negative beliefs, thought patterns and behaviours which are rooted in fear, if we truly want to be free, and choose a life of personal sovereignty and empowerment.
We need to reclaim our mind from the past, so that we can discover who we are, and choose how to think, how to feel, how to see the world again in a fresh way, full of wonder and delight. In other words a complete personal transformation!
Not the tired, worn our cynicism, bitterness, resentment and regret etc. that can accumulate over time, if we do not take the time to investigate these negative patterns.
Now is the time for you to take this opportunity to sit with yourself, and take responsibility for your life, and free yourself from the pain that can be no longer ignored. This pain is made up of all the things that you have been repressed deep into your unconscious shadow, and has accumulated stuck and stagnant energy in your body. This leads to feelings of depression, anxiety, inertia and apathy etc.
In days you have the potential to do what would take years of psychotherapy.
In this course you will learn the keys to vanquishing all of your fears, doubts and worries.
These keys, such as vigilance, will grant you access to inner freedom, by seeing what you need to see, what fears are standing in the way, and how to move beyond them.
You will learn the exact same tools and techniques, such as the form of meditations, that I myself have learned to to dispel my core misidentifications, attachments and all mental illusions. These familiar and habitual thought patterns are getting in the way of the contentment of being established in your true identity. For me, my core unconscious belief was around feeling that there was something wrong, that I had done something wrong, and that there was something wrong with me. Once I exposed this, and healed this, I was able to root myself into being my true self, my spiritual nature, and you can do the same.
You will learn everything you need to know to access your inner shaman (I believe we are all a shamanic people with collective amnesia) and give you the courage, and power to go out there deep into the wild, and face your demons once and for all.
Once you reclaim your sovereignty, and discover who you are, then you clear the path ahead to know where you need to focus your attention going forward i.e. you discover your destiny.
Intention is everything, as everything exists and happens for a reason, you have a hidden purpose waiting to be clarified. It is time to open your eyes, and 'see' again. It is time to wake up! It is time for you to Create Your Own Vision Quest!...
No time for postponement, now is the moment to act...
You are the hero that you have been waiting for!
Enrol Now!...
See you in the course...
Mark T.J Keane
BSc (Hons) Degree in Psychology and Philosophy
Accredited Kundalini Yoga teacher with 3HO, since 2005
Accredited Kundalini Dance teacher, since 2005
- Requirements
- No previous experience is required
- An attitude to commit to completely transforming your life, akin to an initiation is recommended