Brief Introduction
A Class on Exploring Our Solar SystemDescription
Before you consider enrolling into this class I have a question for you. Where are you? That question may sound simple, but it really isn't. Believe it or not, you and I live on a rock. A very large blue rock swhirling through space a speed of 30 kilometers per second!!! This rapidly moving rock is orbiting around a HUGE ball of burning hydrogen. This we call the sun. With Earth, there are billions of objects doing just what we do. So, who wouldn't want to see other 'Earths'. In this class I will show you how's to find every planet in our solar system. You will see a planet that rain sulfric acid. You will see a planet with glistening rings. You will see planet with 66 moons! You are one click away from this journey of OUR SOLAR SYSTEM!!!
- Requirements
- Before you enroll in this course, you should have some basic knowledge on astronomy. You should be able to state most of the planets and have a small amount of prior knowledge.
- If you want to see Uranus and Neptune, binoculars are required. For finding little and dim Pluto, you will need a 6" or larger telescope.
- This is an outside hobby. You can't find planets from your bed!