Brief Introduction
All the tools you will need to manage your teamDescription
Section 1
After taking this course you will be able to effectively manage a team remotely.
In 2009 we began to work without an office. Since then, we have learned a lot about how to do it even better.
We will teach you about the challenges, mistakes, opportunities you may face.
We will see how to use different tools like Trello, Asana, Jira, Slack, and others.
We will cover some of the basics methodologies like Scrum, AGILE, OKrs, and others.
From 2009 we tried to work with our team remotely but it didn't work out and learned from our mistakes of online business startup.
Section 2
Great tools like Skype and Zoom for video conferences are not enough | you also need to know what to say and how to lead your team during these online meetings.
If you are working remotely with your team using video conference software weekly or monthly you probably have already noticed that the dynamics of in-person vs. virtual meetings are very different.
In this course, we will cover how to have a productive online meeting with your team and how you can lead your business remotely.
- Requirements
- Be able to listen the audio