Brief Introduction
How to sell your short fiction to magazines and other marketsDescription
Writing short stories can be hard (if enjoyable) work. But after we've finished our latest story, we want people to read it - right? And even better we want to be paid for our work, because getting paid means we are doing it right!
Selling short stories can also be hard work, but throughout this course, I will show you how to sell your short stories to top paying magazines and anthologies the easy way.
I will show you how find the right markets for your stories so you sell and get published more easily.
How to sell your short stories over and over again and so maximise your earning from them.
How to avoid having your stories rejected, and what to do about it if they are.
You will learn techniques to make it easier for you to sell more short stories, and create an ongoing financial income.
I’ve structured this course in a simple to follow way, that will show you how to start submitting your short stories to top paying markets immediately, without wasting any time, so you can get back to what you like to do best - write more stories!
Just follow the concise sections which cover all the crucial information you need to succeed to start selling your short stories now - and have the satisfaction of seeing your work in print and being paid for it.
- Requirements
- You should already be writing or planning to write short stories.