How To Trade Commodity Futures for a Living
- 4.1
Brief Introduction
Learn to Trade with a focus on Commodity FuturesDescription
In this course we cover all aspects of Commodity Futures Trading from Futures contract expiration all the way up to highly advanced volume profile trading strategies; there is something in here for traders of all skill levels.
In this course you will learn the most important methods required so that you can begin day trading for a living.
You will be given a trade plan which you will use to identify trade setups based on the volume profile trading concepts found in the course.
These setups have been quantified and produce positive expectancy in hypothetical backtesting situations.
- Requirements
- In this course we utilize the NinjaTrader7 Platform, a free platform which includes free market data trials.
- Students should download NinjaTrader7 from their website.
- Students should also download the DValueNT7 Indicator (Volume Profile Indicator) found on the Ninjatrader forums website in the indicator section