Brief Introduction
A quick dive into the step by step dream interpretation system taught by best-selling author J.M. DeBordDescription
Dream interpretation can seem mysterious. Only highly trained therapists or gifted intuitives can do it.
Not so. Anyone can interpret their dreams, they just need to know how.
That's where I come in. I'm J.M. DeBord, best-selling author of The Dream Interpretation Dictionary and RadOwl's Crash Course in Dream Interpretation. My teachings reach millions of people worldwide through my books, media appearances, and internet presence. You might know me as RadOwl the reddit dream expert, where I lead the most popular online places devoted to sharing and understanding dreams.
My intro course teaches my D3, 3-step dream interpretation process with focus on decoding symbolism and story analysis. It's effective for providing students a systematic approach to interpreting dreams, and it's easy to understand and use. Dreams are stories, like parables, and understanding them requires thought, self-reflection, and honesty. Dreams are also experiences we give ourselves, and the roots of those experiences are found in the nature of consciousness itself.
Students gain essential tools for interpreting their dreams and understanding the experience of them. The videos are brief and cover a lot of ground in a relatively short time.