Brief Introduction
A 4 week Energy Reading Course. Learn how to identify and read energy in yourself and other.Description
In this four week course you will be learning how to identify and read energies in yourself and other people. This course will prepare you to begin to be able to do psychic readings for others.
I -See is for anyone who wants to learn techniques in energy reading.
If you are a healer, an intuitive, or just curious about how to relate to others and the world more deeply than this course is for you.
If you are already engaged and operating a healing practice then you will definitely want to add these tools and awarenesses to your practice. They will help you understand your clients in a deeper way. They will help you be able to identify chakra issues, understand and relate to various auric personality types and begin to read energies and auras.
This course is also great if you are a business leader and want an edge on reading and understanding your employees more thoroughly. You will learn to read body posture, body types, identify which energies are held in which part of the body and learn tools for seeing and identifying.
Each module is designed to be a weekly lesson, giving you an in depth look into each of the following subjects:
- Chakra Energy Centers
- Auric Personality Types
- Color Sensing and Clairvoyance
- Aura Readings
And in each module you get bonus meditations, printable reference sheets and work though lessons that you can download and keep for further study and practice!
I invite you to join this course and journey with me.
- Requirements
- In order to take this course you don’t need to have any previous experience. This course will guide you along each step and give you tools to practice. Psychic Development isn’t something you need to know how to do, it’s something that you can develop over time.