Brief Introduction
Develop insights into and perspectives on racism, intersectionality, and Emotional Tax in the workplace; create an introductory awareness of how to connect across differences; and take action to dismantle bias in workplaces and communities.
In this course, we explore the concepts of racism, intersectionality, and “Emotional Tax” and their impact on marginalized racial or ethnic groups in and outside of work. Emotional Tax—being on guard to protect against bias because of race, ethnicity, and gender and experiencing the associated effects on well-being and ability to thrive at work—is often acutely painful. Develop the inclusive leadership skills, foundational insights, points of self-reflection, and action plan to take the first steps to reduce the negative impact of exclusion and unfair treatment in the workplace and beyond.
- Reflect on our identities and how intersectionality shapes our lived experiences.
- Understand why anti-racism matters and review key anti-racism concepts and the role they play in workplaces and society.
- Understand what Emotional Tax is, its impact on underrepresented racial or ethnic groups, and the importance of fostering an inclusive workplace.
- Identify actions you can take to address racial inequities in your workplace and community through fostering empathy and allyship.