ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management system
- 4.1
Brief Introduction
ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management systemsDescription
ISO45001 occupational health and safety management systems explains the processes, strategies involved in achieving a safe workplace by eliminating and managing workplace related hazards.According to International Labour Organisation (ILO), about 2.78 million people die a year as a result of occupational illhealth and injuries. There is also increasing absenteeism and insurance premiums.
ISO45001 is the first global standard on occupational health and safety, published by the International organisation for standardisation (ISO). It has been designed to be used by organisations irrespective of their sizes.
The foundation of this standard follows the Shewhart Deming pdca cycle, i.e PLAN, DO, CHECK,ACT. This will guide the rubrics to this course as we will touch risk assessment, accident investigation, first aid, fire management.
- Requirements
- Basic familiarity with the workplace environment and work actictivities.
- Ability to understand charts and figures
- A Throw pillow to demonstrate Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation first aid process