Brief Introduction
Pass ITIL 4 Foundation exam by practicing ITIL 4 verified exam questions, which update regularly to keep relevanceDescription
All questions are prepare based on exam pattern and years of experience on training.. We have carefully choose each question for the test to secure your passing and update regularly to keep the relevance and change in exam pattern based on the feedback form ITIL 4 passed participants. After practicing these tests you will be ready to PASS your certification on the first attempt. It is recommended to do a training. If you have any question please use udemy Q & A. I answer every questions personally.
6 full ITIL 4 Foundation verified exams by (Ibrahim Hossain, Accredited ITIL 4 MP, ITIL Expert trainer)
240 best-in-class questions with explanation of answers and mention the topic areas.
The exams questions are updated periodically based on the latest ITIL 4 Foundation exam syllabus
More than 1000 students already passed the official ITIL 4 Foundation exam using these exams and study material
Use our approved ITIL 4 presentation to answer mock test 6. Objective of Practice 6 is give you an idea how different way one question can be asked. Even we recommend, if yo have a patience, do the practice 6 first and then rest 5 practice exams. After practice exam 6, rest will be very easy for you. Still you can choose your preferred learning style.Presentation slide for approved ITIL 4 training link is available in our website as no option to add in Udemy practice exam. Link is available in question explanation. if required you can also ask me question in Udemy question and explanation.
Use presentation page 1 to 19 for answering questions 1 to 21
Use presentation page 20 to 21 for answering questions 22 to 25
Use presentation page 22 to 29 for answering questions 26 to 35
Use presentation page 30 to 45 for answering questions 36 to 63
Use presentation page 46 to 56 for answering questions 64 to 73
Use presentation page 57 to 64 for answering questions 74 to 88
Use presentation page 65 to 68 for answering questions 89 to 97
Use presentation page 69 to 71 for answering questions 98 to 108
Use presentation page 72 to 74 for answering questions 109 to 119
Use presentation page 74 to 75 for answering questions 120 to 134
Use presentation page 76 to 78 for answering questions 135 to 150
Use presentation page 78 to 79 for answering questions 151 to 156
Use presentation page 81 to 83 for answering questions 157 to 166
Use presentation page 84 to 85 for answering questions 167 to 170
Kind Regards
Ibrahim Hossain