Brief Introduction
Earn a Professional Credential while Learning Javascript CodingDescription
Javascript has become the most import language you can learn.
Years ago, you could produce a web site with HTML alone. Now, Javascript is a critical technology that makes not just interactive web sites-- but full web applications. Modern sites don't just display data but generally help users complete tasks such as making a reservation or buy an item.
Javascript is a critical part of these transactions. Handling everything from dynamic screen content to interacting with remote servers, every developer needs Javascript.
And, Javascript is not just a web language any more. Due to related technologies like Node and Phone Gap Javascript can now be used in web development (client and server side) and mobile development.
This is only part of the reason that Javascript is THE language to know.
FACT: Javascript is the most desired skill among those who hire new (junior) developers.
(This means that Javascript skills-- and certification-- may just be your key to a job).
If you're reading this we don't have to sell you upon becoming a developer. You already know it's one of the most lucrative (and fastest growing) career tracks out there-- no degree required.
What Will I Learn to Do with Javascript?
Javascript is a powerful language.
Here are just a few of things you can do with Javascript--
- Create applications that are constantly updated via a web service. Stock market, weather, and transportation apps work with web services to provide users with current information.
- Create apps that take advantage of the HTML5 canvas which allows data visualizations, animations and even gaming!
- Create applications with reactive interfaces that provide users with an optimized experience.
It's tasks like this that make Javascript critical for developers. Javascript is essential to just about any project that appears on the web or in mobile.
This is where you can separate yourself from the average developer.
As a Designated Javascript Specialist, you are qualified to create, maintain and edit Javascript code. You'll be able to help development teams create relevant, reactive web and mobile applications or even create applications on your own.
In this certification program you'll learn:
- How to Output to the console
- How to output content to the browser window by manipulating the DOM
- The getElementById() command
- How to use variables in Javascript
- Arithmetic with Javascript
- The proper use of Javascript Operators
- How to use Number Functions
- Using Booleans
- How programs make decisions with conditionals
- If Statements and If... Else Statements
- Nested If Statements
- How to use the Javascript Switch statement
- For Loops, While Loops, Do...While Loops
- For...In Loops, Endless Loops, Break and Continue Statements
- Javascript Simple Functions, Function Parameters, Functions that Return a Value
- Coding for Javascript Events and Call back Functions
- Javascript Dialog Boxes
- Creating Javascript Arrays
- Looping Through Arrays
- Javscript Strings and String Functions to process text
- Javascript Date Functions
- Processing text with Javascript Regular Expressions
- Working with the Browser DOM
- Accessing Web Services with the xmlHTTPRequest() Object
- Making Requests and Parameterized Requests
- Working with Returned Text Content
- Working with Returned XML Content
- Understanding JSON notation and Parsing JSON content
- Using Generic Javascript Objects
- Working with the Javascript Audio and Video API
- 2D Drawing, the Canvas and Javascript
- Faux Multithreading with Javaascript
- Custom Objects and OOP with Javascript
First: Complete the Course
Each of the certification courses includes 5 to 10 hours of video training. Each course also includes lab exercises to help you retain the information in the video lectures. The courses feature study guides, practice questions, and activities, all with one goal: to help you learn new coding skills in Javascript.
The courses are designed to be completed in a few days, if significant time is invested. However, you may spread the work out for as long as you’d like. There are no calendars or limits on individual courses. Simply work with the course until you’re confident that you’ve mastered the material.
Next: Pass the Exam
Once you complete the course, you'll be eligible to sit for the exam. The exam is composed of fifty multiple choice questions with a minimum passing score of 80%. The exam isn’t designed to be difficult, but to verify that you retained the information in the course. You have up to an hour to complete the exam. However, most people complete the exam much more quickly. If you don’t pass the exam the first time you take it, you may sit for the exam again.
When you pass the exam and complete the class, you’ll have earned your certification as a Javascript specialist. Congratulations!
Receive Your Certificate and Badge
Now that you’re certified, you’ll receive your printable, full color digital certificate. Your certificate includes a link to a digital transcript page which will serve as verification of your achievement. You can place the badge on your personal website, portfolio, or resume. You also can automatically place the badge on your LinkedIn page.
Many individuals who receive these certifications place them in their email signature and other highly visible digital real estate to set them apart from other developers.
Who should get certified?
- Graphic and Digital Designers
- Startup Employees
- Marketing Designers
- Content Specialists
- Agency Personnel
- Students who want to be more Employable
...Anyone else who wants this critical skillset and proof of expertise
Why Should You Be Certified?
If you’re interested in pursuing a career in development, then the Javascript Specialist Designation is the place to continue your path. Almost every digital development project involves some level of Javascript, and experts are in demand. If you’re a business owner, this certification course is a great way to learn what you need to know to style your own website. It’s also a great way to train the members of your team who work with your web site to ensure that they’re using the latest and best Javascript practices. If you’re an agency or freelancer, the Javascript Specialist Designation is a great way to validate your skills — and even justify a rate increase. If you’re a student, the Javascript Specialist Designation separates you from other graduates and verifies that you possess specialized technical skills that all employers are seeking.
The Javascript Specialist designation is tangible proof of your mastery of the critical Javascript Skillset and will drive up your value regardless of the environment in which you work.
- Requirements
- A functional knowledge of HTML will be helpful.
- Create internal and external scripts
- Use the event-based coding paradigm
- Use the console for test output
- Output conten to the browser
- Manipulate HTML DOM elements via Javascript
- Declare and Initialize Variables
- Understand how Javascript variables are "typed"
- Use arithmetic operators with Javascript variables
- Use Javacript's built-in math functions
- Create and use boolean variables
- Evaluate conditions with if statements
- Evaluate "either-or" scenarios with if.. else
- Make complex decisions with else if structures
- Apply the Javascript switch statement
- Repeat sections of code using loops
- Apply the structure and syntax of while loops
- Distinguish between while and do...while loops
- Use the for loop syntax
- Use loops to loop through Javascript objects
- Recognize situations that result in endless loops and correct them
- Define a simple function
- Make a function call
- Send parameters to a function for processing
- Use return statements to make functions more modular
- Understand the syntax for anonymous functions
- Work with mouse events
- Work with keyboard events
- Use form events to validate form data
- Pass and use the event object to obtain event properties
- Use alert boxes to provide user with information
- Use confirm and prompt dialog boxes to interact with users
- Declare a basic array
- Access and edit array elements
- Loop through an array to access each array element
- Understand functions associated with the array class
- Use string functions to manipulate string values
- Use string functions to search and replace characters within a string
- Use date functions to work with current date and time
- Use date functions to work with future or past dates and times
- Create basic regular expressions
- Test for string matches with regular expressions
- Engage search and replace actions with regular expressions
- Conceptualize DOM structure (Document Object Model)
- Use getElementById() and innerHTML()
- Alter DOM elements dynamically
- Add and delete elements from the DOM
- Locate elements within the DOM tree
- Understand the fundamentals of Service Oriented Architecture
- Use the xmlHttpRequest() Object to communicate with web services
- Make get-style web service requests
- Mark post-style web service requests
- Work with text data returned from a service
- Parse XML data returned from a service
- Parse JSON content returned from a service
- Understand and use JSON notation
- Draw on the HTML5 canvas
- Access built in device geo-location features with Javascript
- Create custom Javascript classes
- Instantiate and consume Javascript objects