Laravel API Development & Vue JS SPA from Scratch

  • 4.3
5.5 hours on-demand video
$ 14.99

Brief Introduction

Learn how to develop a robust API with Laravel and a Single-Page Application in Vue JS from Scratch


Developing Single-Page Applications requires a special set of skills. In this course, we will be learning how to develop the required API to power a simple address book project named Jot. Jot will be a SPA written in Vue JS using the TailwindCSS front-end framework. By the end of this course, Jot will be able to create, view, edit and delete contacts. We'll also implement search functionality using Laravel Scout, a free first-party package for Laravel for simple searchable models.


  • Requirements
  • Working Knowledge of PHP, Laravel, JavaScript & Vue
  • Local Development Environment
$ 14.99
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5.5 hours on-demand video
Victor Gonzalez


Victor Gonzalez

  • 4.3 Raiting
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