Launching Machine Learning: Delivering Operational Success with Gold Standard ML Leadership
- 4.9
Course Summary
This course is designed for leaders who want to understand how to launch a machine learning project and drive its success. You'll learn the key concepts, strategies, and tools necessary to lead a machine learning project in your organization.Key Learning Points
- Explore the key concepts and strategies for launching a successful machine learning project
- Understand how to build a team, collect and analyze data, and select the right machine learning model for your project
- Learn how to navigate ethical and legal considerations when dealing with data and machine learning
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the key concepts and strategies for launching a successful machine learning project
- Learn how to build and manage a team that can execute a machine learning project
- Navigate ethical and legal considerations when dealing with data and machine learning
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic understanding of machine learning concepts
- Familiarity with project management principles
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Self-paced
- Online
- Video lectures
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Notable People in This Field
- Founder of
- Co-Director, Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
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Machine learning runs the world. It generates predictions for each individual customer, employee, voter, and suspect, and these predictions drive millions of business decisions more effectively, determining whom to call, mail, approve, test, diagnose, warn, investigate, incarcerate, set up on a date, or medicate.
- Apply ML: Identify opportunities where machine learning can improve marketing, sales, financial credit scoring, insurance, fraud detection, and more
- Plan ML: Determine the way machine learning will be operationally integrated and deployed, and the staffing and data requirements to get there
- Greenlight ML: Forecast the effectiveness of a machine learning project and then internally sell it, gaining buy-in from your colleagues
- Lead ML: Manage a machine learning project, from the generation of predictive models to their launch
- MODULE 1 - Business Applications of Machine Learning
- Course overview: Launching Machine Learning
- The ingredients of a machine learning application
- Risky business: predictive analytics enacts risk management
- Response modeling to target marketing
- Gains curves for response modeling
- Churn modeling to target customer retention
- Case study: targeting ads
- Case study: product recommendations
- Credit scoring
- Five ways insurance companies use machine learning
- Fraud detection
- Case study: insurance fraud detection
- Machine learning for government and healthcare
- The Machine Learning Glossary
- One-question survey
- Retaining new customers, a killer app similar to churn modeling (optional)
- More information about named examples (optional)
- Generating compelling text with deep learning (optional)
- Course overview
- The ingredients of a machine learning application
- Risky business: predictive analytics enacts risk management
- Response modeling to target marketing
- Gains curves for response modeling
- Churn modeling to target customer retention
- Case study: targeting ads
- Case study: product recommendations
- Credit scoring
- Five ways insurance companies use machine learning
- Fraud detection
- Case study: insurance fraud detection
- Machine learning for government and healthcare
- Module 1 Review
- MODULE 2 - Scoping, Greenlighting, and Managing Machine Learning Initiatives
- Project management overview
- The six steps for running a ML project
- Running and iterating on the process steps
- How long a machine learning project takes
- Refining the prediction goal
- Where to start -- picking your first ML project
- Strategic objectives and key performance indicators
- Personnel - staffing your machine learning team
- Sourcing the staff for a machine learning project
- Greenlighting: Internally selling a machine learning initiative
- More tips for getting the green light
- The most important video about ML ever, period
- ML project management pitfalls and best practices (optional)
- Choosing the right analytics problem (optional)
- Six ways to lower costs with predictive analytics (optional)
- Counterpoint: AI success comes through growth, not labor savings (optional)
- Top 10 roles in AI and data science (optional)
- The analytics engineer (optional)
- Need a data scientist? Try building a "DataScienceStein" (optional)
- Project management overview
- The six steps for running a ML project
- Running and iterating on the process steps
- How long a machine learning project takes
- Refining the prediction goal
- Where to start -- picking your first ML project
- Strategic objectives and key performance indicators
- Personnel - staffing your machine learning team
- Sourcing the staff for a machine learning project
- Greenlighting: Internally selling a machine learning initiative
- More tips for getting the green light
- Module 2 Review
- MODULE 3 - Data Prep: Preparing the Training Data
- Data prep for-the-win -- why it's absolutely crucial
- Defining the dependent variable
- Refining the predictive goal statement in detail
- Identifying the sub-problem
- How much data do you need, and how balanced?
- A flash from the past: independent variables
- Behavioral versus demographic data
- Derived variables
- Five colorful examples of behavioral data for workforce analytics
- The predictive value of social media data
- More social data: population trends and interpreting sentiment
- Merging in other sources of data
- Data cleansing: what kind of noise is okay?
- Data disaster: "High school dropouts are better hires"
- It is a mistake to ask the wrong question (optional)
- It is a mistake to accept leaks from the future (optional)
- Data prep for-the-win -- why it's absolutely crucial
- Defining the dependent variable
- Refining the predictive goal statement in detail
- Identifying the sub-problem
- How much data do you need, and how balanced?
- A flash from the past: independent variables
- Behavioral versus demographic data
- Derived variables
- Five colorful examples of behavioral data for workforce analytics
- The predictive value of social media data
- More social data: population trends and interpreting sentiment
- Merging in other sources of data
- Data cleansing: what kind of noise is okay?
- Data disaster: "High school dropouts are better hires"
- Module 3 Review
- MODULE 4 - The High Cost of False Promises, False Positives, and Misapplied Models
- Accuracy fallacy: orchestrating the media's bogus coverage of ML
- More accuracy fallacies: predicting psychosis, criminality, & bestsellers
- The cost of false positives and false negatives
- Assigning costs: so important, yet so difficult
- Machine learning for social good
- Predicting pregnancy -- and other sensitive machine inductions
- Predatory micro-targeting
- Predictive policing in law enforcement and national security
- Course wrap-up
- More reading related to the accuracy fallacy (optional)
- Machine learning for social good - more examples (optional)
- Further insights on predicting sensitive attributes (optional)
- Further analyses of predictive policing and ML’s effect on the balance of power (optional)
- Accuracy fallacy: orchestrating the media's bogus coverage of ML
- More accuracy fallacies: predicting psychosis, criminality, & bestsellers
- The cost of false positives and false negatives
- Assigning costs: so important, yet so difficult
- Machine learning for social good
- Predicting pregnancy -- and other sensitive machine inductions
- Predatory micro-targeting
- Predictive policing in law enforcement and national security
- Course wrap-up
- Module 4 Review