Learn MEAN Stack By Building A ToDo App
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Brief Introduction
Master Mongo, Node, Express and Angular 2 in One Single CourseDescription
This brilliant MEAN Stack course will get your acquainted with the entire stack by helping you create a complete functional application.
MEAN Stack is a combination of four different technologies – MongoDB, Express, Angular, and NodeJS – that help developers create dynamic applications and websites using just the stack. The stack includes frontend as well as server scripting technologies, both of which can be coded using JavaScript, eliminating the need for learning multiple languages.
This MEAN Stack course is the perfect course for you to learn this brilliant technology. You will design a working To Do App that will allow you to add, edit and even delete To Dos. Additionally, you will also learn how to use mLAB, a remote MongoDB database.
So, what are you waiting for?
- Requirements
- Basic Knowledge of Angular 2 and JavaScript is assumed