Brief Introduction
MSSQL 2017Description
In this course we will learn the basic-intermediate level about Structured Query Language A.K.A "Sequel" or SQL. We will use Sql server 2017 version but we will make a quick comparison between with it's predecessor. Since this is the first course that I created, bare with my deep accent and the way I pronounce the words. But the good thing is while I'm teaching and talking in front of my computer, It will improve my English proficiency. Happy programming :-)
- Requirements
- Must have a Windows based computer for the sake of this course
- Install SSE and SSMS
- Configure SQL Server for remote connection and firewall (TCP/IP)
- Use Complete SQL SELECT statements
- Query against a single table
- Filter data using the WHERE clause
- Create Database, Tables using SQL and Create a Relationship
- Data Sorting using ORDER BY clause
- Understand the difference between the INNER JOIN, LEFT/RIGHT OUTER JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN
- SQL statements that use aggregate functions
- Filter groups of data using the HAVING clause
- Group data together using the GROUP BY clause