Learn to paint a realistic bird using oil colors
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Brief Introduction
7 day Oil painting workshopDescription
In this 7 day work shop, you will learn to paint a macaw bird. This wild life painting will give you all the basic knowledge of how to paint realistic image using oil colors. You will also learn to paint whatever you see as a photograph without getting intimidated my the detailing. Breaking down an image into several layers and engaging yourself in maximum 2 hours of painting a day is my intension. Know how this painting process will make you very rejuvenated. Learn how to blend colors. You will realize how easy it is to use oil colors compared to other medium. Fine detailing for the feather texture is the key element in this wildlife painting and you will learn that. How to create a suitable background so that the object is enhanced. Enjoy this journey with me and lets spread creativity.
- Requirements
- An open mind to learn something new
- Materials : Linseed oil , paint thinner , Oil colors and paint brushes ( Artist Flat brush size 0 , Artist round brush size 2 or lower )and a 8 * 10 size (minimum) canvas