Linux Administration with Troubleshooting Skills - Hands On
- 4.4
Brief Introduction
Start in-demand career as a Linux Administrator and learn from IT professionals with live Environment Sessions.Description
By the end of the course you will:
Be able to confidently use the Linux operating system to increase your productivity and Career.
Be able to perform everyday computing tasks from the Linux command line.
Course Content
Linux basic concepts,Introduction & History of Unix/Linux
Introduction to Unix
History of UNIX
What is LINUX
History of Linux
LINUX Distributions
Unix File System
Linux Commands Tutorials
Lecture on various commands with proper explanation with examples on live environment.
Overview of File System Structure
pwd, cd, ls, less, cp, file mkdir. more. mv, cat, rm rmdir, wc, dd, head, tail, touch, ln etc
Bash profile, Variables & Standard Input output Redirecting
User's home directory
.bash_profile, .bashrc & .bash_logout
How to set PATH & alias in .bashrc profile
Familiar with Variables
Bash variable, Environmental variable & System Variables
Standard Input & Output Redirecting ( > , 2> ,&> )
Standard Input and Output
Redirecting Output to a File
Redirecting Output to a File
Linux User management
Understanding different types of groups and creation of groups
Creation of users in different groups
Understanding Passwd, Shadow Files
Understanding passwd aging
Creation of quotas for users, groups and file systems
Understanding users security files
password aging policy using chage commands
Permissions in Red Hat Linux
Basic File Permissions
User Based permissions groups
Permission Types
Change of permissions & ownership
Special Permissions
Setuid, Setguid, Sticky bit, ACL etc
Two Labs to demonstrate the permissions from real IT industry environment.
Controlling Access to files with ACLs
Access Control List Concepts
Set ACL's on files
Default ACL
Practice Lab Session on set acl on files
Practice Lab Session on set acl on directories
Practice Lab Session on mask to limit the set of permissions
Practice Lab Session on default ACL
Practice Exercise - Scenario based activity
Linux Crontab
Overview of Linux Crontab & its format
Schedule a job for a specific period of time
Schedule a job for more then one instance (e.g. twice a day)
Schedule a job for specific range of time
Schedule a job every weekday during working hours
how to view crontab entries?
Schedule a job for every minute using cron
Linux Find Commands
Basic find commands for finding files with names
Find files based on their permissions
Search files based on owners & groups
Find files and directories based on date & time
Find files and directories based on size
Overview of OpenSSH
What Are Some Of The OpenSSH Features?
OpenSSH options are controlled through the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
Lab Session
Overview about telnet
Configuration of telnet server on Linux
Xinetd Service
Process Management
Understanding ps commands with custom properties & Nice values etc
Different stats of a process like "D", "S", "T", "Z" etc
Kill commands to terminate the process
Kernel Modules
What is Kernel & its features
Kernel Modules
Commands to manipulate the kernel (insmod,lsmod,modinfo,modprobe &rmmod)
How to know the name of the module or kernel driver for any deivce like lan
Disk Partitions, File Systems Creations & RAID Configuration
Creating the partitions in a simple disk using fdisk
Understanding the different options in fdisk utility
Creating File Sytems using (ext3/ext4/xfs FS)
Mounting/Umounting FS
Entry in fstab
Introduction to RAID
Concepts & features of RAID
RAID Level
How to configure different level of Raids like (0,1,5,6, 10 etc)
Lab Sessions
Logical Volume Manager Administration
LVM Architecture Overview
LVM Components
LVM Logical Volumes
Logical Volume Creation Overview
Growing a File System on a Logical Volume
Logical Volume Backup
LVM Administration with CLI Commands
Using CLI Commands
Physical Volume Administration
Creating Physical Volumes
Displaying Physical Volumes
Preventing Allocation on a Physical Volume
Resizing a Physical Volume
Removing Physical Volumes
Volume Group Administration
Creating Volume Groups
Adding Physical Volumes to a Volume Group
Displaying Volume Groups
Removing Physical Volumes from a Volume Group
Changing the Parameters of a Volume Group
Activating and Deactivating Volume Groups
Removing Volume Groups
Overview about LVM Metadata
Metadata Contents
How to identify and recover failed LVM disk
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager)
Install : It is used to install any RPM package.
Remove : It is used to erase, remove or un-install any RPM package.
Upgrade : It is used to update the existing RPM package.
Verify : It is used to query about different RPM packages.
Query : It is used for the verification of any RPM package.
YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified)
Overview of YUM
Configuration& and installation of yum on Red Hat Linux Server
Yum History Command
Reverting and Repeating Transactions like undo & redo using yum command
Linux OS Minor Upgrade
Linux OS upgrade from RHEL 7.1 to RHEL 7.2
Lab Practice Sessions
File Transfer Protocol
Overview of FTP Server
Installation and configuration of FTP Server
Apache Web Server Administration
Basic Setup
Verify installation
Package files
Main configuration file(s)
Edit the httpd.conf configuration file
Add site to /etc/hosts file
Create your HTML documents
Start the Web Server
Access the web site
Local access
Internal & external access
Summary of basic setup
DNS (Domain Name System)
Overview of DNS
Understanding root & top level domains
How dns works practically
What happens when I type any website name in the address bar of the browser
Samba Server
Overview of Samba Server
Features of Samba Server
How Samba Server Works
Samba File sharing Server
CIFS File System
Practice Lab Sessions
Network File System (NFS) on Linux
Overview of NFS Server
Installation and configuration of NFS Server
Automating Installation using Kickstart
Overview of Kickstart Server
Features of Kickstart Server
Configuration & Installation of Kickstart Server
Configuration of dhcp, tftpd, nfs for Kickstart Server
Configuration of kickstart config file using graphical mode
PXE Boot Environment
Lab Session
Unattended Client boot and do the installation via network
Networking Concepts in Linux
New Sets of commands introduced in RHEL 7 for managing the network interfaces.
Check the status of ethernet interfaces
Add and configure the new ethernet interface
Activate the network services
Commands to change the network properties of an existing interface
Delete the ethernet interface
Learning of various new commands related to managing network interfaces.
Overview of Routing Table
Understanding the output of netstat -rn or route -n output
Linux Performance Monitoring
Introduction about Performance monitoring in Linux
Important four subsystems that needs to be monitored.
1. CPU
2. Memory
3. I/O
4. Network
Familiar & understanding with CPU Utilization
Like Context switches, Run Queue, CPU utilization & Load Average
Familiar & understanding with Memory Utilization
Familiar & understanding with I/O Analyses
Familiar & understanding with Network Monitoring
Familiar with various Commands to manage performance issues in Linux Servers
Troubleshooting Linux Boot Problems in Red Hat Linux 6 (Basic System Recovery)
Simple & step by step understanding of Linux Boot Process ( 2 detailed Sessions)
Overview of Red Hat Linux 7 and their features
Comparison of features of RHEL7 with RHEL6
Lab on Basic System Recovery (Initramfs file missing/Corrupted)
Lab on Basic System Recovery (Grub related issues like stage 1.5/2 grub is missing)-Part1
Lab on Basic System Recovery (Grub related issues like stage 1.5/2 grub is missing)-Part2
Lab on Basic System Recovery (Master Boot Record missing/corrupted)
Lab on Basic System Recovery (Critical files are missing like mount binary, incorrect entry in fstab etc)
Lab on Basic System Recovery (Critical files are missing like mount binary, incorrect entry in fstab etc)
Overview of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Overview about RHEL7 with its new features
Comparison with RHEL 6
Lab on systemd service (Familiar with different systemd targets & new commands)
Rescue mode in RHEL 7
Lab on rescue mode
Emergency mode in RHEL 7
Lab on emergency mode
Troubleshooting mode (Overview and Lab)
Lab on Recovering the Root password in RHEL7
Resetting the Root Password Using an Installation Disk
Resetting the Root Password Using rd.break
Troubleshooting Linux Boot Problems in Red Hat Linux 7 (Basic System Recovery)
Lab on Basic System Recovery (Initramfs file missing/Corrupted)
Lab on Basic System Recovery (Grub related issues
Lab on Basic System Recovery (Master Boot Record missing/corrupted)
Lab on Basic System Recovery (Critical files are missing like mount binary, incorrect entry in fstab etc)
GRand Unified BootLoader (Grub2)
Overview of Grub
Grub Configuration file
Features of Grub2 and its comparison with Legacy Grub
Practical Lab Session - Different commands to run at Grub2 prompt
Practical Lab Session - Boot from Grub (Selecting Kernel & Initramfs)
Practical Lab Session - How to make your grub password protected
Kdump configuration on RHEL 7
Overview of kdump
How to enable Kdump on RHEL 7
Lab Session
Red Hat Satellite 6.2
Overview of Satellite Server
Pre-Requisites (What needs to be done before initiating the Red Hat Satellite Server installation)
Registering the server using subscription manager
Installing the Satellite Server Packages & updating the Server
Installing satellite from the Offline Repositories.
Initial Configuration for the satellite server
Registering Satellite
Downloading/Uploading manifest (Importing manifest to Installed Satellite server)
Attaching a subscription
Create Red Hat Repo's as per the enviornment requirement
Creating Activation
Registering server (Red Hat Satellite client)
Managing SELinux Security
Introduction - SELinux
SELinux Security Concepts
Changing SELinux Modes
Practice Lab Sessions
Changing SELinux Contexts
SELinux Booleans
Audit logs & troubleshooting SELinux
Backup and Restore
Overview of Backup
Various commands for backup
Types of backup
Full backup, Incremental backup and differential backup
dump command to take backup & restoration
Advanced Linux Commands
dig, nslookup, rsync, scp, ssh, sftp, find, grep, locate, df, du, lsof, ps, top, who,cut, sort, vi, sed, awk, tar, gzip, bzip2 etc
useradd, userdel, usermod, groupadd, groupdel, id, chage, chroot, chown etc
mount, umount, fdisk, mkfs, fsck,/proc, uptime etc
ping, nslookup, telnet, ifconfig, ifconfig-a, netstat -a etc
systemctl -at service, systemctl -t service --state=active, systemctl start name.service, systemctl enable name.service etc
pvs, vgs, pvdisplay,lvs, lvdisplay, pvcreate, pvremove, vgcreate, vgrename, vgremove, vgextend, vgreduce, lvcreate, lvextend, lvreduce,fdisk, vgexport, vgimport, vgcfgrestore, vgcfgbakcup, watch, whoami, passwd, su etc
last lecture
- Requirements
- PC or Laptop with internet Connection
- There is no formal prerequisites for this course; however, previous system administrator experience on other operating system would be very beneficial.
- Linux Administration with Troubleshooting Skills
- Linux basic concepts,Introduction & History of Unix/Linux
- Linux Interview Questions and Answers
- Bash profile, Variables & Standard Input output Redirecting
- Linux User Administration
- Permissions in Red Hat Linux
- Controlling Access to files with ACLs
- Process Management
- Kernel Modules
- Disk Partitions, File Systems Creations & RAID Configuration
- Logical Volume Manager Administration
- RPM (Red Hat Package Manager)
- YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified)
- Linux OS Minor Upgrade
- FTP - File Transfer Protocol
- Apache Web Server Administration
- DNS (Domain Name System)
- Samba Server Concepts & Configuration
- Network File System (NFS)
- Automating Installation using kickstart
- Networking Concepts in Linux
- Linux Performance Monitoring
- Troubleshooting Linux Boot Problems in Linux (Basic System Recovery)
- Overview of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- GRand Unified BootLoader (Grub2)
- Kdump configuration on RHEL 7
- Overview of Red Hat Satellite 6.2
- Managing SELinux Security
- Backup and Restore
- Linux Commands Tutorials
- Advanced Linux Commands
- Linux Crontab
- OpenSSH
- Postfix Mail Server Configuration