Brief Introduction
Have you ever wondered how products arrive at your hands? From the clothes we wear to the food we consume, they have been through a series of links, processes, operations and flows we know as logistics.
Logistics are the first trait for a company’s success! Learn all about logistics and how you can use it to achieve every goal in your organization.
Logistics encourage the efficient use of tools all along the value chain, by optimizing processes such as:
In this online course you will gain a holistic view of logistics and transportation within your company, which is useful to understand how a company can thing strategically thanks to basic but essential content.
All throughout this course on logistics you will explore topics such as: management processes, outsourcing and logistic suppliers, through the strengthening of knowledge which will allow you to reach the educational purposes of this course week after week.
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- Competencies for knowledge: you will understand the basic concepts of logistics and its main components
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- Competencies for doing: you will be able to apply basic concepts of logistics in your daily life while achieving better results
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- Competencies for being: you will understand how logistics play an impactful role in the company, people’s daily life and processes.