Magic of simplicity to beat online poker
- 4.1
Brief Introduction
Practical training course to win at pokerDescription
This is a private coaching.
Video review with a Step by step walk through.
Playing on 6 tables and explaining my thought process in details.
Cash game is played on nl200, nl300 and nl400.
You will learn my thought process including preflop and postflop game.
Also mental game tips and hints.
Hand history review and much more.
You will learn about mistakes that poker players make. Different type of mistakes.
Will plan our preflop game in different spots.
Optimized preflop ranges.
Defending versus 3bets versus unknown players.
Basic fundamentals.
Adjustments versus regular players, sharks, nits, and fish.
Exploitive strategies
Call versus 3bets and 4betting ranges.
Thumb rules, misconceptions
Preflop adjustments and planning.
Single raised pots as preflop agressor IP
Possible situations: (EP,MP,CO,BU vSB,BB)
Cbet, Xcall ranges, xraise ranges, delay cbet ranges
Single raised pots as preflop agressor OOP
Possible situations: (EPvMP,CO,BU; MPvCO,BU; COvBU)
Cbet, xback ranges, delay cbet ranges
with exploitive view
Single raised pots as preflop coldcaller IP
Possible situations: (MPvEP,COvEP,MP; BUvEP,MP,CO BBvsSB)
Game plan vs cbets, call ranges, raise cbet, floating, fold
Game after check, float ranges, give ups, sizing.
Single raised pots as preflop coldcaller OP
Possible situations: (SBvEP,MP,CO,BU; BBvEP,MP,CO,BU,)
Game plan vs cbets, call ranges, xraise, donk betting, floating, fold ranges
Game after missed cbet, float ranges, give ups, sizing.
3bet pots
3-bet pots as agressor OOP
Possible situations: (SBvEP,MP,CO,BU; BBvsEP,MP,CO,BU)
Cbet, Xcall ranges, xraise ranges, delay cbet ranges
3-bet pots as agressor IP
Possible situations: (MPvEP; COvEP,MP; BUvsEP,MP,CO; BBvSB)
Cbet, xback ranges, delay cbet ranges and Sizing
3-bet pots as caller IP
Possible situations: (EP,MP,CO,BUvSB,BB)
Game plan vs cbets, call ranges, raise cbet, floating, fold ranges
Game after check, float ranges, give ups, sizing.
3-bet pots as caller OOP
Possible situations: (EPvMP,CO,BU; MPvCO,BU; COvBU; SBvBB)
Game plan vs cbets, xcall ranges, xraise cbet, floating, fold ranges
Game after missed cbet, float ranges, give ups, sizing.
- Requirements
- You should understand the basic concept of poker.