Brief Introduction
Build a tile-based puzzle game with C# and UnityDescription
Note: although the lectures were recorded with an older version of Unity, the final project runs well on Unity 2019
Unity 3D has quickly become one of today's fastest growing game development tools. Learn more about this fascinating game engine in our project-based class, where we build a Tetris-style puzzle game from scratch! If you have some basic knowledge of C# and Unity, take your skills to a new level by exploring this short course in remaking a classic arcade game.
If you have completed a few basic tutorials on Unity and have some basic knowledge of C# (variables, loops, data structures, etc.),this class is for you! We take a project-based approach, where we follow one game from start to finish.
We will:
start with a blank Unity project and flesh out a fully working game.
learn some fundamental techniques for creating your own puzzle game
follow several C# scripts line-by-line and learn how to organize our scripts logically and cleanly
port our application to iOS and Android! See your glorious game run on a mobile device!
What is covered:
Setup our project settings and environment
Breaking down the gameplay mechanics
Creating a Board class to store our data
Laying out user interface items
Creating our game piece Shape class
Setting up our master GameController class to handle logic
Apply Time to our game logic
Script to handle player input
Add sound effects to game events
Apply particle effects to add some punch to our graphics
Making a score manager to track player progress and high scores
Enhance our game with extra features to make it a polished experience
Join the democratization of game development! Level up your Unity 3D skills and build your Tetris-style game today!
- Requirements
- Unity 3D free Personal edition (ParticleSystems require version 2017 and above, but most lectures can be completed with 5.6 or above)
- OPTIONAL Photoshop or image-editing program to customize art assets (otherwise, use the downloadable art assets provided)