Master Neuroscience and Neuroanatomy.
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Brief Introduction
Learn Neuroscience with the World's Most Popular Medical Teacher. Crystal clear concepts with hand-drawn illustrations.Description
Dr. Najeeb Lectures are the World's Most Popular Medical Lectures. Master Neuroscience and Neuroanatomy with Dr. Najeeb. Over 100 hours of videos with thousands of hand-drawn illustrations and crystal clear concepts. This course will completely change the way you look at Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience and we guarantee you that by the time you finish this course with us you'll feel like a professional.
We use hand-drawn illustrations to empower your learning process because we believe lasting knowledge results from clear concepts. Our videos are interactive and fun to watch so you don’t have to spend hours memorizing.
- All lectures are delivered in English using hand-drawn illustrations on a traditional whiteboard.
- Introduction to Neuroanatomy.
- Development of Nervous System.
- Meninges.
- C.S.F & Ventricular system.
- Blood Supply to Brain.
- Blood Brain Barrier.
- Histology of Nervous System.
- Spinal Cord & its Lesions.
- Brown-Sequard Syndrome (BSS).
- Nerve supply to Lacrimal Gland.
- Petrosal Nerves (Greater, Deep & Lesser Petrosal Nerves).
- Ascending Tracts.
- Motor System & Descending Tracts.
- Upper & Lower Motor Neurons & their Lesions.
- Brain Stem (Basic Concepts).
- Medulla.
- Pons .
- Mid-Brain.
- Cerebellum.
- Diencephalon.
- Thalamus.
- Hypothalamus.
- Cranial Nerves (Basic Concepts).
- Oculomotor Nerve and Clinical Correlates.
- Trochlear Nerve and its Clinical Correlates.
- Abducent Nerve and its Clinical Correlates.
- Facial Nerves.
- Facial Nerve & Clinical Correlates.
- Glossopharyngeal & Vagus Nerves (9th & 10th Nerves).
- Ciliary Ganglion and Connections.
- Anatomy of Oculosympathetic Pathway & Horner's Syndrome.
- Pterygopalatine Fossa.
- Pterygopalatine Ganglion.
- Otic Ganglion.
- Basal Ganglia.
- Trigeminal System.
- Ophthalmic Nerve (Lacrimal, Frontal & Nasociliary nerves).
- Maxillary Nerve and its Branches.
- Inner Ear - Auditory System.
- Inner Ear - Vestibular System.
- Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex.
- Visual System.
- Horizontal Conjugate Eye Movements.
- Cerebral Cortex & Speech.
- A.N.S (Epinephrine & Nor-Epinephrine).
- Catecholamines Synthesis, Storage & Release.
- Anatomy of Cavernous Sinus & Cavernous Sinus Syndrome.
- Bulbar & Pseudobulbar Palsy.
- Epilepsy.