Master Selenium Automation Testing | Basic to Advanced Level
- 4.3
Brief Introduction
Learn to implement automation testing using selenium and build industry standard automation frameworks from scratchDescription
Over the last decade, the Selenium automation tool has gained a lot of popularity in the automation testing world due to its unique features like - Multiple operating support, multiple language support, multiple browsers support, open-source, and community support.
MNCs to Startups all big and large organizations are investing a lot in automation testing which has raised the demand of automation experts. Almost all job openings of software testing in any part of the world do ask for Selenium expertise.
This course is created keeping the current automation testing situation of the world in mind.
The course curriculum is structured in an order that you will --
Selenium automation tool as a subject,
Testing Framework - TestNG,
Design Patterns to write effective code,
Industry Standard automation frameworks built from scratch,
Integration with tools like Maven (Build management tool), Git (Code repository),
Integration with CI/CD (Jenkins)
Multiple quizzes added in the course to help you learn and understand the concepts better.
Multiple assignments that will help you implement your learnings with real-time examples.
We will keep updating the course for our students with new assignments and topics that enhance your implementation skills.
My decade of experience of implementing automation in real-time projects and experience in teaching over 2000 students from all parts of the world in LIVE classes is used while creating this course for you. I know what students are looking for and what should be the IDEAL PACE for them to learn.
- Basic understanding of Manual Testing
- Basic understanding of Java and Object oriented concepts are required
- Introduction to the course
- What all topics are we going to cover in this course?
- Meet Your Trainer!!
- What kind of Frameworks are we going to cover?
- Selenium Automation Tool - Basics
- Introduction to Selenium and its components
- Getting started with Selenium Web-Driver Environment Setup
- Selenium Commands - Running first call flow on Chrome browser
- Run Basic Selenium Commands
- Running Selenium commands on Edge Browser
- Executing code on multiple browsers
- Assignment Number - 1 (Practice Basic Selenium Commands)
- Working with WebElements, Locators & Identifiers in Selenium WebDriver
- Locators and Identifiers in Selenium WebDriver
- Quiz on Locators and Identifiers
- Installing ChroPath on Chrome Browser
- Working with basic form elements - textbox, radio button, text area
- Mastering XPath locators - Part 1
- Mastering XPath locators - Part 2
- Operators and Methods in XPath
- Axes in XPath
- Mastering CSS Locators
- Working with Dropdowns
- Assignment - Facebook Signup
- Fill up Contact Us form
- Case Studies and mini projects
- Case Study 1 - Amazon Project | Getting Link count on a web page | Get attribute
- Ebay Project | Search Product | Get Product List | Javascript scroll Operation
- Waits in Selenium WebDriver and Mouse Operations
- Waits in Selenium - Pageload Timeout
- Implicit Wait and Mouse Hover Example
- Explicit Wait
- Fluent Wait
- Drag and Drop operation
- Assignment - Drag and Drop
- Multiple Windows Handling
- Alert Handling
- Multiple Windows Handling
- Frame Handling
- Alert Handling
- TestNG - Basics
- Introduction to TestNG Framework
- Installing TestNG Tool on Eclipse
- Annotations in TestNG
- Reports in TestNG
- Enabling or Disabling a test case in TestNG
- Controlling the sequence of test case execution in TestNG
- Assertions in TestNG
- Soft Assertion
- TestNG - Advanced
- Introduction to TestNG xml file
- Oder of Execution of @Before**** and @After****
- Executing all test cases within a package
- Executing all test cases of multiple classes
- Grouping Test cases
- Parallel execution of test cases on Multiple Browsers
- Passing multiple test data via Data Providers in TestNG
- Passing parameters through testng xml file
- Re-Running and Retry Logic in TestNG
- Selenium Grid and running Code in parallel
- Selenium Grid Setup
- Running Selenium code via Grid
- Running Selenium calls in parallel on multiple machine using Grid
- Selenium Automation Framework Development
- Introduction to Framework Development
- What frameworks will we develop?
- Frameworks - Creating the Automation Layer
- Directory Structure of the Framework | Maven Project
- Code upload on GitHub
- Creating Automation Layer - Common Driver
- Automation Layer | Common Driver extended
- Automation Layer | Interacting with Web Elements | Common methods
- Automation Layer | Interacting with Dropdowns
- Automation Layer | Interacting with Alerts
- Automation Layer | Interacting with IFrames
- Automation Layer | Mouse operations
- Automation Layer | Javascript operations
- Automation Layer | Window Handling
- Automation Layer | Taking Screenshots
- Automation Layer | Wait Utils
- Design Patterns
- Design Pattern - Page Object Model
- Design Pattern - Page Factory (Advanced Page Object Model)
- Frameworks - Test and Test Suite Layer
- Logic Layer | Designing Pages
- Logic Layer | Adding Logic
- Creating Test case Layer
- Test Case Layer - Adding assertions to the test case
- Creating Test Suite Layer
- Reading From Config File
- Reports and Logs
- Reporting using Extent Reports
- Taking Screenshot after a test case is failed and attached in Reports
- Optimizing Code
- Integration with CI/CD tool (Jenkins)
- Running Code through Command Line
- Setting up Jenkins
- Executing Selenium Test cases (TestNG) via Jenkins