Brief Introduction
Apply mathematics to solve real-life problems. Make a mathematical model that describes, solve and validates your problem. Improve your model.
How do populations grow? How do viruses spread? What is the trajectory of a glider? Many real-life problems can be described and solved by mathematical models.
This course will introduce you to the modelling cycle which includes: analyzing a problem, formulating it as a mathematical model, calculating solutions and validating your results.
All models are (systems of) ordinary differential equations, and you will learn more about those by watching videos and reading short texts, and more importantly, by completing well-crafted exercises.
You will learn how to implement Euler's method in a (Python) program, and finally, you will learn how to write about your findings in a scientific way (with LaTeX).
In the verified track of this course you will additionally:
- Consolidate the new theoretical skills with graded problem sets about five real-life applications.
- Work on your own modelling project (individually or in a team). Because mathematical modelling is only learned by doing it yourself, you complete your own modelling project on a self-defined real-life problem. You will be guided through the project by completing a list of smaller tasks.
This course is aimed at Bachelor students from Mathematics, Engineering and Science disciplines.
The course is for anyone who would to use mathematical modelling for solving real world problems, including business owners, researchers and students.
- To follow the process of the mathematical modelling cycle: formulate a real-life problem, construct an appropriate mathematical model, calculate solutions and validate the results.
- More about (systems of) ordinary differential equations.
- Solve the ordinary differential equations and implement Euler's method in a (Python) program.
- Write a scientific report (with LaTeX).
- In the Verified Track, you will additionally:
- Consolidate your new skills by completing well-crafted problem sets on several interesting real-life applications.
- Learn the skill of mathematical modelling in the only way possible: by doing your own modelling project.