Mediumship Development - Learn How To Be a Medium
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Brief Introduction
The Ultimate Guide to Mediumship and Being a MediumDescription
This course titled - Mediumship Development, Learn How to Be a Medium - the Ultimate Guide to Mediumship and being a Medium - is designed to help you if you are interested in Mediumship, interested in Paranormal, interested in being a Medium - regardless if it's for personal or professional reasons! This course is also for you if you think you have Medium abilities but don't know what to do with them, how to go about them!
In this course you will learn different aspects of Mediumship and being a Medium - starting with basics, going deeper into each aspect of Mediumship, and topped with a lot of exercises and meditations, and opportunities to practice!
We will cover topics like - what does it mean to be a Medium, the purpose of Mediumship, who can be a Medium, how does Mediumship work, different types of communication and reasons for communication with Spirits, what you need in order to be a good Medium, how to recognize Spirits around, tools and methods used in Mediumship, structure and validation, boundary setting, energy clearing, signs and symbols, challenges in Mediumship, negative Spirits, Earthbound Spirits, Paranormal Experiences and more...
By the end of this course - you will not only have more general information and general knowledge about Mediumship and being a Medium and all what comes with it, but you will also know more about your personal style as a Medium (it will continue to evolve even after this course), you will have tools and experience to handle any situation involving Spirits - whether it will be a Reading and connecting with someone's deceased Loved one or it will be dealing with Paranormal situation and Earthbound Spirits. You will have gained confidence as a Medium. You will have increased ability to use your senses, not only in work as a Medium but also in other aspects of life.
- Requirements
- Interest in Mediumship and being a Medium
- Open Mind and Desire to Learn
- Note Book and pen
- PC with Internet (works on mobile phone or tablet as well)