Millennia Business Academy - Time Engineering
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Brief Introduction
The science of mastering your Time and Space for profitDescription
There’s a simple, yet vital, difference between business owners and entrepreneurs who build multi-million dollar enterprises and the majority who suffer a lifetime of terminal mediocrity. It has very little to do with how hard they work and everything to do with how they think.
Discover how the top 1% of business owners and entrepreneurs master their Time and Space to drive maximum productivity and profits... and how you can too!
Without exception, the mismanagement of Space and Time is one of the fundamental contributors to why people struggle and never make serious money in business.
Put simply, if you don’t understand the principles of Space and Time, and you don’t understand how to leverage, focus and harness your Space and Time in a compelling way…
Then you’re like 99% of the population, that allow everything and everyone else to govern their time. and as a direct result their capacity for success.
So Time Engineering is a breakdown of the dynamics that directly impact your life and your financial capability every single day.
The focus is simple…
Teaching you how to make the most amount of money, in the smallest amount of time, using the least amount of energy and effort.
Time Engineering will enable you to:
Terminate waste
Multiply your productivity & your income forever
Conquer overwhelm
Gain total control of your work life
Get rid of all the unproductive crap you hate doing
And become acutely effective, efficient and profitable.
And please don’t make the mistake of thinking that Time Engineering is a time management course...
Because it is far more significant than that.
It will literally reshape the way you think about Time, and transform your ability to produce for the rest of your life.
Get this right, and your ability to make money will skyrocket.
In this ground-breaking program, Paul Brotherson shares the closely guarded secrets of the world’s best business thinkers and reveals the critical knowledge, insight and expertise you need to manage, manipulate and monetise your time and environment: to ensure you (and your business) are positioned and primed to develop maximum productivity and profits at all times.
Written, produced and recorded personally by Paul Brotherson, a real world 138 million dollar CEO who started with nothing and retired at 38, Time Engineering is powerful, transformational and unique is every aspect of the word.
Contents and Overview
Regardless of what stage your business is at you will find exponential value in the way this course breaks down the skills and dynamics that separate top tier, industry leading business owners.
Because the training in Time Engineering is not the latest idea, strategy or method that will be obsolete or out of date in three to six months.
Rather it is a permanent shifting and restructuring of the entire thought dynamic of an organisation by transforming the thought dynamic of the individuals leading and working in it.
So they can develop higher order thinking skills and think at an elite level, and as a result, make decisions, function and profit at an elite level.
What your about to get access to explained - Millennia Business Academy (MBA) and its programs
"For the majority of business owners, when it comes to their skills in their chosen fields of expertise, they are professionals. Highly skilled and brilliant at what they do. Which is often why they started their own business in the first place.
But when it comes to their capability as business leaders and business owners (which is a very different skillset to their professional skills) they go into business with little to no business capability, training or education. Hence they’re amateurs.
Which leaves them unskilled in the science of leading, building and running a highly profitable business that can deliver genuine wealth and freedom.
And because they are rarely if ever exposed to the components, the processes and the steps that gel together to produce that outcome…
Then they are unable to think, act and engage high quality action in line with the achievement of that goal.
So they spend a lifetime guessing their way through their business journey, doing the best they can but making mediocre decision after mediocre decision (often without ever realising that’s what they’re doing) because they don’t possess the knowledge, expertise or perspective to do otherwise.
And as a consequence, they manufacture a mediocre business in which they become trapped." Paul Brotherson
MBA was built as an educational hub designed to progressively transition you into that professional business owner/entrepreneur you need to be.
Each program was meticulously developed to educate students in a critically important (and necessary) element of business success.
The programs were created so that business owners just like you could access a foundation of high-quality experience-based business training.
And learn in a step by step staged process… the knowledge and expertise that drives a permanent elevation in the decision-making processes that drive outstanding results.
And as a consequence, allow you to progressively, confidently and successfully develop a business that is capable of delivering you what you ultimately want… genuine wealth and freedom.
Please do not join this course if you are looking for a magic quick fill pill or silver bullet solution to getting rich quick.
Because the simple fact is, that business (and life) just doesn't work that way. Instant success is a fallacy. You can't just flick a switch and shazam, you're life and business is perfect.
Rather it’s about progressive learning, progressive application and progressive growth.
And MBA and its programs are exactly the same.
So, with respect I repeat, please do not join this course if you are looking for a magic quick fill pill or silver bullet solution to getting rich quick.
Your return on investment
I understand that it’s important for you to get a return on your investment in this program… genuinely I do. And I assure you, in time you will.
However in the short term, what you need to have in faith in, is that by shifting the quality of your entire thinking, over time and distance, that the impact we’re going to have on your business, your life and your future (and the return on investment you are going to get) will be exponential.
Because the Academy Programs are not a fabricated or fictitious silver bullet solution.
They are a progressive and permanent transformation (and elevation) of your knowledge and your skills... and as a consequence, your capabilities and real world results.
And just so we’re clear… We are not saying that the Academy programs are the solution to all the problems you will ever face in business, because saying that would be reckless and arrogant.
Trust in the process and the learning... and your return on investment will materialise in abundance.
What makes the Academy programs unique?
Most business education is generally about giving you the latest idea, strategy or method to make your next dollar.
Hence giving you a glass of water that you have to keep coming back to fill up. But the Academy programs are about teaching you how the plumbing works… so you can tap into an endless supply.
Everything that was built into the Academy programs was not only developed on the back of decades of real world business experience... but even more importantly, real world business results.
And please understand this immutable principle:
You’re future and everything that happens in it will be a result of the knowledge you consume, and the choices and actions you take that that knowledge permits… life is literally that simple!
In business as in life,
But knowledge permits the opposite…
Because Knowledge is Power.
That's the purpose of the Academy programs, to put the POWER in your hands by giving you access to the REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE BASED knowledge, insight and expertise that underpins that Power.
What your experience of the programs will be like.
When you enrol in MBA or any of its programs, if you adhere to the learning protocol, watch the videos (more than once) take notes, apply the knowledge… etc
You will experience a transformation
In the beginning, much of it will happen undetected, or subconsciously. But as time progresses and the learning moves to a deeper level, the changes will not only speed up, but you will be able to consciously recognise and leverage them.
Your peripheral vision will begin to expand and you will start to see opportunity (and barriers) where they were previously hidden in plain sight. You will start to behave differently and as result the outcomes you produce will transform. And that’s just scratching the surface.
You will start to behave differently and the you will start to notice how people react differently to you.
Stressful situations won’t affect you the same way.
When you're presented with a problem your blood pressure won’t rise (as much or as quickly) and you’ll likely start to feel like things have slowed down and you have more time for a measured response.
All this usually because the training allows you a greater perspective to recognise things long before they get to a critical stage.
It wont happen instantly, but it will happen.
It’s more like a fitness regime that might seem difficult in the beginning but as your fitness improves it gets easier. And then becomes fun and even addictive because you can see the results you are getting.
Time Engineering is the 1st of a suite of 4 first-class business educational programs developed and produced by Paul Brotherson and the Millennia Business Academy.
Program 1 - Thought Engineering is the first of 4 Fundamental educational programs designed to give all business owners access to the knowledge, insight and expertise generally reserved for the top 1%.
In the 4 ground breaking programs, Paul Brotherson breaks ranks and opens the doors to the closely guarded secrets that separate the top 1% of business leaders. Showing you exactly how and why the top 1% are the top 1%... and how you can be too!
In Thought Engineering Paul lays out the blueprint of the principles and skills that govern the way in which top leaders lead, direct and behave to consistently and predictably drive up productivity and profits. It's leadership training on steroids.
"If you're a boss or want to be, this course will transform you as a leader... and your bottom line"
Program 2 - In Time Engineering the focus is simple. Learning how to make the most amount of money in the smallest amount of time, using the least amount of energy and effort.
Time Engineering will put you in the driver’s seat enabling you to:
Terminate waste
Multiply your productivity & your income forever
Conquer overwhelm
Gain total control of your work life
Get rid of all the unproductive crap you hate doing
And become acutely effective, efficient and profitable.
Guaranteed! Get this right, and your ability to make money will skyrocket.
"This program will literally transform the way you work, your productivity and the way you make money overnight."
Program 3 - In Client Engineering you'll learn what underpins a highly profitable industry leading business that is able to produce consistent and predictable profits for you... and hold that position for the long haul.
And how to recession proof your business and build it so it is in a permanent growth process, regardless of the economic conditions.
Once you have completed Client Engineering you will never look at, interact with or trade with your customers the same way ever again. And you will be able to prime your business to generate profits your never thought possible. "My customers are now spending more, buying more often, I’m getting referral business and they love me. I’m not sure it gets any better than that."
Program 4 - In Value Engineering you'll learn the Seven technical components that gel together to accelerate and drive up the valuation and saleability of any business.
And whether your focus is on growing your business, selling it or maybe passing it on to someone someday... it’s crucial that you understand what elevates or undermines the value of your company because what you need to grasp is this:
The components of a business that make it valuable and saleable... are profoundly linked to the components that make a business highly profitable. Value Engineering will transform the way you build any business you own for the rest of your life.
"I’ve been in business for more than 30 years. The best business building course I’ve ever done."
On their own, each of the programs are exceptional. Combined they will elevate your understanding of business to a level very few individuals ever attain.
The Academy programs are video based for a reason
How many times do you go a seminar and there is so much great content that you simply cannot take it all in. And you wish you could revisit, or hear or see a recording of what transpired so you could make sure that you fully understood the principles, content or information being shared.
That’s why the Academy programs are video based. So you can revisit the modules at any point in time. There is so much learning in the Academy programs that it is impossible for you to consume it all and understand it on a deep and profound level the 1st time through.
That’s why you get lifetime membership so you can come back and revisit the knowledge, whenever and where ever you need it. So take advantage of the asset.
Millennia Business Academy core purpose
MBA exists to share, educate and elevate you into expert knowledge, insight and expertise: bringing you up from degree to degree so that you may possess the fundamental tools to materialise wealth and freedom through business.
MBA compacts a wealth of knowledge and experience into comprehensive mentoring and educational programs with inspiring, transformational results.
It's about fundamental principles and refined business skills, uncompromising tangible results and your sustained and accelerated prosperity.
But it's also about integrity and liberation. Liberation of your human spirit to enjoy a successful and passionate life without restraint or suppression: and it's about realising that these are consistent with success, not independent of it
If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.
Henry Ford
- Requirements
- Nothing other than a winning attitude and a desire to be a part of the top 1% of business owners who develop genuine wealth and freedom!
- Learn how to make the most amount of money in the smallest amount of time, using the least amount of energy and effort
- If you want to learn how to make more money in business... then you're in the right place.
- If you want to separate yourself from the bottom 99% of business owners who suffer a lifetime of terminal mediocrity... then your in the right place.
- And if you want to accelerate your success time line and fast track your probability of developing genuine wealth and freedom... then you are definitely in the right place!
- This is Entrepreneurial Leadership Training from a $138M CEO that directly impacts bottom line profits.
- Special Bonus 1: $199, 84 page transcribed copy of this program
- Special Bonus 2: $29.95 copy of the internationally acclaimed business book 'thINC. Unlock the Secrets of a Superbusiness'
- Special Bonus 3: Audio Version of 'thINC. Unlock the Secrets of a Superbusiness' narrated by Paul Brotherson
- Special Bonus 4: Exclusive interview with the program Creator Paul Brotherson as he discusses 7 key lessons learned in building his $138million company from scratch.
- Special Bonus 5: Full Audio Versions of the entire training program
- Learn and avoid the fundamental contributors to why people struggle and never make serious money in business
- Learn the 7 hidden dynamics that drive accelerated and consistent profit growth... the dynamics that directly impact your bottom line every day
- Learn what separates 'Top Tier' individuals capable of consistently producing exponentially more
- Learn the principles and strategies that govern productivity and profitability, so you can escape the cycle of 'Terminal Mediocrity'.
- Learn how to focus, leverage and harness your Space and Time in a compelling way… and take control of your capacity for success
- Learn and embody the critical difference between spending and investing your time... and catapult your revenue potential.
- Take back control and STOP allowing everything and everyone else to govern your time
- Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Time Engineering is a Time management course, because it is far more significant than that.
- Time Engineering will reshape the way you think about Time, and transform your ability to produce and profit for the rest of your life.
- Get this right, and your ability to make money will skyrocket.